Hogwarts Monthly Magazine December 2023 Christmas Special Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

The festive season is still on, and memories of the Yule Ball still haunt us. But we also have our eyes on a very special gift - a brand new year full of surprises, anticipations, and goals. Moving on is a very important skill to master; embracing new beginnings and leaving the past behind is essential to keeping the cycle of life going. On that note, let's step into the New Year, 2024, with a fresh, new perspective, a calm mind, and a cheery heart. Happy New Year!

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Chapter 20

Here are some engaging activities to keep you having fun and active throughout the New Year.

Duelling Practice: - Stretch your muscles by dueling in the "Duelling Practice" Arena. Call out "Duelling Practice" in the "Groups & Clubs" section to be transported to the fireplace of the arena via the Floo Network. However, if you prefer a portkey, here it is : - 


Hiya's Comforting Cafe n Delectable Delights: - Food can beat any seasonal blues and keep your stomach full and your brain feeling rewarded, leaving you happy. If desserts and drinks are not your chosen delicacies, "The Forbidden Forest" steak and a hot, foaming mug of butterbeer will surely please you. Brew up a comforting romance with your date in the heat of Hiya's special home-made recipes. Visit "Hiya's Comforting Cafe n Delectable Delights" via portkey, holding your date's hand hard while you travel, using the following: -


If you enjoy dropping in via the fireplace, name the place loud and clear in the "Groups & Clubs" section.

Hiya's Magical Salon and Beauty Parlor: - Beauty regimes are so close to our hearts on special occasions. Whether it's a party to attend, a special date, or an important professional setting, it's only natural that you would want to dress up for it and accentuate your features to look gorgeous. Do not hesitate to drop into the one-stop solution for all magical and Muggle beauty problems, "Hiya's Magical Salon and Beauty Parlor." No more worried and hurried wardrobe fixing; only quick remedies, solutions, and the best advice. The fireplace is accessible by saying "Hiya's Magical Salon and Beauty Parlor" in the "Groups & Clubs" section out loud and clear to the Floo Network. Or if you prefer to travel via portkey, here's what to hold on to: -


Our Own Cosy Little Library Corner: - If snuggling up with books, playing out your own stories, or making friends through dangerous quests and adventures is more your thing, here's your group to join. Come and join us on our invigorating quests at Hogwarts while we plan, write down our quests, and hold meetings for them in our own favorite corner of the Hogwarts Library, "Our Own Cosy Little Library Corner." Our little group usually consists of our friends, but we will love to have you join if you love to brave daring quests like we do. To reach us via the Floo Network, name our library corner out loud and clear to appear at the nearest connected fireplace. To reach via portkey, grab this one as fast as you would grab a book recording our quests, "The Mysteries of Hogwarts" by Rose PETERSON, in which Rose will feature you if you are on our quests with us and thus become a character in our story: -



- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Compiler, Publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

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