Hogwarts Monthly Magazine December 2023 Christmas Special Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

The festive season is still on, and memories of the Yule Ball still haunt us. But we also have our eyes on a very special gift - a brand new year full of surprises, anticipations, and goals. Moving on is a very important skill to master; embracing new beginnings and leaving the past behind is essential to keeping the cycle of life going. On that note, let's step into the New Year, 2024, with a fresh, new perspective, a calm mind, and a cheery heart. Happy New Year!

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Breaking News at Hogwarts - I See the Numbers, 2-0-2-4; Are You Choking on the Air?

Chapter 3

I See the Numbers, 2-0-2-4.

Let's start off 2024 on a good note. Arithmancy classes have begun at Hogwarts. Be sure that you will get the opportunity to play with and learn interesting facts about numbers. If you are a bit like Hermione Granger, I bet you dreamed of taking Arithmancy as an elective. So, gear up and rush to class. It is a part of the Sixth-Year curriculum at Hogwarts.

Are You Choking on the Air?

Is the festive air choking you? I think it's not. That feeling of being strangulated that you get when you see your crush could very well be a small concentration of Garroting Gas. Unfortunately, I am not going to tell you anything because the Potions Professor begins off the Sixth-Year classes with a most interesting lesson on Garroting Gas. If you are a Sixth-Year student at Hogwarts, here's your cue to rush to the Potions dungeons. Don't miss the usual safety precautions, though, or else the talented Professor Draekon won't be pleased.


- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Compiler, Publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.


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