Hogwarts Monthly Magazine December 2023 Christmas Special Issue
The festive season is still on, and memories of the Yule Ball still haunt us. But we also have our eyes on a very special gift - a brand new year full of surprises, anticipations, and goals. Moving on is a very important skill to master; embracing new beginnings and leaving the past behind is essential to keeping the cycle of life going. On that note, let's step into the New Year, 2024, with a fresh, new perspective, a calm mind, and a cheery heart. Happy New Year!
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Cosmic Communiqués by Hiya - Editor's Special
Chapter 9
Did you spend 2023 keeping an eye on the sky? Is stargazing your favorite holiday activity? Do you like to watch constellations and the plethora of celestial adventures unfolding in the night sky? In the pages of our magazine, we are continuing to bring you the cosmic wonders of each month in all their stellar glory.
This permanent feature of our magazine is courtesy of one of our ex-editors, Celestia Carrow.
Through this feature, I, Hiya, Editor-in-Chief of this magazine, will be taking you on a magical ride through the cosmos, showing you the most important celestial events of this month, and giving you a glimpse into those that are about to unfold in the upcoming first month of 2024.
December was a pretty chilly month with the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere on December 21-22 and a hot one with the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.
All month, a very bright Jupiter rose in the eastern sky in the early evening and became more easily visible as the hours passed. Any bold and loud changes that happened throughout the month could be a direct result of Jupiter in the sky. Yellowish Saturn kept company with Fomalhaut at its heels, indicating that Jupiter-influenced outbursts might have remained balanced with the empathy and careful consideration that Saturn brought. Super bright Venus was in the predawn east all month, dropping lower to the horizon each week. So, if you were high on your emotions, whether anger or love, now you know where those came from.
The most significant cosmic events in December 2023 included:
✧ On December 4, Mercury reached its greatest eastern elongation of 21.3 degrees from the Sun. If you wanted a good view of Mercury, the evening sky this month was your best bet.
→ Did you feel those sudden spikes in imagination and flow of creativity in your veins? It was probably Mercury helping you all along.
✧ On December 9, Halley's comet reached its aphelion, the farthest point from the Sun in its orbit. Look below to read more.
✧ December 13 was the night of the New Moon for spell-casting experimenters and magical inventors.
✧ On December 14, the most extravagant show was staged by the Geminids, the king of meteor showers, producing up to 120 multicolored meteors per hour at its peak, thanks to debris left behind by the asteroid 3200 Phaethon, discovered in 1982. I hope you enjoyed the spectacle.
✧ On December 17, Saturn came quite close to the Moon, with Fomalhaut just below it.
→ So, I would understand if you were feeling particularly empathetic and thoughtful.
✧ December 21-22 marked the solstices in the respective hemispheres.
✧ On December 22, we witnessed the minor but splendid Ursid meteor shower, producing about 5-10 meteors per hour, owing to dust grains left behind by comet Tuttle, discovered in 1790.
✧ December 27 was Full Moon Night, which our werewolf readers were wary of. I hope there were no accidents.
Some interesting phenomena that took place in December were:
Betelguese, the most famous red supergiant star and one of the brightest in the sky, in the constellation Orion, was occulted for about 12 seconds by asteroid 319 Leona. Thanks to this ultra-rare occultation, a few skywatchers were able to see a "ring of fire" annular eclipse of Betelgeuse, a very rare celestial event.
Did you read the Bible story of "The Star of Bethlehem"? The three Magi, or the three wise men, followed a star from the east to Bethlehem while searching for their newborn king. Though there is no clarity on what star that one actually was, some believe that it might have been Halley's comet that they followed instead. So, for your Christmas treat, here's something special - let's talk about whether or not you will get to see Halley's comet in your lifetime. Halley's comet was named after English astronomer Edmond Halley, who first calculated its orbit and predicted its return in the 18th century. While Halley's comet has made numerous appearances in human history, it will next be visible to the human eye in July 2061, in the night sky. Of course, the comet will be at its perihelion, that is, its nearest distance to the Sun in its orbit. The last such position of Halley's comet was seen in February 1986. On December 9, 2023, the iconic Halley's comet reached its farthest point from the Sun, called the aphelion. The average orbital period of Halley's comet is 76 Earth years, and its orbital circumference around the Sun is about 7.6 billion miles (12.2 billion kilometers).
A very happy New Year to all of us.
Important cosmic events in the month of January 2024 will include:
✧ On January 3-4, the night sky will be graced by the Quadrantids meteor shower, which is an above-average shower with up to 40 meteors per hour at its peak. It is thought to be brought about by dust grains that are remnants of an extinct comet called 2003 EH1, discovered in 2003.
✧ On January 11, we will have the New Moon night for experimental spellcasting.
✧ On January 12, Mercury will be at its greatest eastern elongation. It will be the best view of Mercury, so keep an eye out for the planet low in the eastern sky just before sunrise.
→ The presence of Mercury may spark sudden influences of creativity, inspiration, and problem solving.
✧ WARNING: Dearest Werewolf Readers, that time of the month will be January 25. Yes, I mean the Full Moon night. So, please check the levels of Wolfsbane potion in your cabinets and stay safe.
As promised, we will talk about Baily's Beads this month. But let's first take a look at the calendar of solar eclipses in 2024: -
April 8, 2024 - A total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada.
October 2, 2024 - An annular solar eclipse will be visible in Chile and Argentina.
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves in between Earth and the Sun. It occurs only when the Moon is new, because that's when the Moon passes in between Earth and the Sun. This is a phenomenon known as occultation, that is, a smaller astronomical body being covered (or occulted) from view by a larger astronomical body passing in front of it. This is a type of syzygy. A syzygy is the alignment of three celestial bodies in a straight line. So, how does a solar eclipse look? The Sun is occulted by the Moon during a solar eclipse. It starts with a portion of a black circle (obviously the New Moon) starting to “take a bite” out of the Sun; the edges of the black part are somewhat hazy at first. It then grows bigger and bigger until the Moon fully blocks the Sun. At an intermediate stage close to full coverage, the Sun is still visible just around the edges of the Moon, as bits of the Sun are still shining from between the Moon’s mountains (jagged, elevated areas on the Moon), though not always evenly. These bits of the Sun shining through the Moon are like bright, luminous beads and are called “Baily’s beads.” As the Moon continues to move to cover more and more of the Sun, only one final bead is eventually visible, giving the visual effect of a diamond ring, as in the following picture. So, that was your interesting tidbit about "Baily's beads" this month. Stay tuned and keep reading.
Safety is the number one priority when viewing a solar eclipse. Use a proper solar filter when viewing, or project the image of the Sun through a pinhole. Place the solar filter on the correct lens, that is, the objective lens, of your telescope. Attaching the solar filter to the eyepiece lens can cause the sunlight to focus on the filter and crack it due to the heat, blinding you. Keep your magical telescopes away with the lens cap on, and be wary of wondering why you are needing too much willpower in spells during a solar eclipse. Also, remember that magical instruments may go haywire. Animals may be expected to sleep like it is night.
Since it's the last month of 2023 and we are heading into 2024 with a light-hearted spirit, here's a little something extra that I added for you to enjoy. If you are a faithful believer in the influence of zodiac signs, here's a compilation of your horoscope for the entire year of 2024: -
Aries - Your ruling planet, Mars, will align with the Sun in your ninth house under the Sagittarius sign at the year's outset. This conjunction hints at the potential for embarking on extended journeys. Your reputation will go up, you will gain societal recognition, and your business pursuits will see progress. Your health will improve. Saturn may test the authenticity of your romantic relationships, giving you a tough time at the beginning of the year. However, single Aries natives may find love this year, and you may also travel with your romantic partner between August and October. Jupiter will provide you with an enhanced learning experience and guide you towards academic success.
Taurus - At the start of the year, Jupiter will be positioned in the twelfth house, potentially leading to increased expenses. However, your commitment to moral and righteous actions will remain on track all year. Jupiter may alleviate some of the concerns you faced at the beginning of the year by May 1, but you will still need to focus on your health. Your dedication will yield positive outcomes, and luck and karma will bestow you with career advancements, fulfilling your desires and letting you progress in your professional journey. Your social standing will be boosted, and your self-esteem and confidence will rise. Early in the year, there may be potential fluctuations in your romantic relationships, which may carry on in the form of misunderstandings with your loved ones throughout the year; however, periodic influences from Venus will help sustain your relationships and other connections. Students might encounter educational hurdles, but they can anticipate a deepened grasp of certain subjects.
Gemini - A favorable beginning of the year for you, with Jupiter's presence in the eleventh house ushering in numerous successes and significantly bolstering your financial standing. Love will flourish, and conflicts in marital relationships will decrease. Pending matters will be resolved, and sustained achievements will be attained, enhancing your reputation within society. Prioritizing your health will be essential for your overall progress. From March to October, you could receive opportunities for career shifts.
Cancer - The year begins with Jupiter positioned in the tenth house, aiding in the equilibrium between your career and family life. After May 1st, Jupiter transitions to the eleventh house, amplifying your potential for increased income. Your inclination towards spiritual matters will awaken, and throughout the year, you will find yourself interested in sacred pilgrimages, fostering the likelihood of embarking on extended journeys, whether physical or mental. This year seems to be characterized by a significant amount of travel. This year looks promising for love and strengthened romantic relationships, with Mercury and Venus infusing fresh energy into your love life. Marriage may become a reality for you this year. However, be careful with your health and manage your expenses prudently. Saturn may intensify pressure at your workplace, but Jupiter will reward you with intermittent career gains. You will excel in your academics, and triumphing in competitive exams is within reach.
Leo - This year is very favorable for a Leo native. Business, harmony in your marriage, and prowess in your decision-making processes will see significant and consistent growth. The possibility of international travel may rear its head among the potential for long journeys. While your focus on your studies will remain steadfast, the influence of temperamentally intense planets may cause a few potential disturbances in your academic progress by significantly impacting your study environment. There's a possibility of the abrupt emergence of physical ailments, so remember to take care of your health.
Virgo - Your health will demand special attention this year due to the movement of celestial bodies; however, Saturn also promises their resolution. Remember to keep up a balanced and disciplined lifestyle, adhering to positive daily routines, to be able to receive success in all pursuits. Saturn's placement holds the potential for notable career accomplishments. Be mindful of unnecessary expenses and career-related obstacles. Skillfully manage your emotions, or else tactless speaking may strain your relationship with your loved ones this year. Business will be successful, but avoid the allure of shortcuts and impulsive decisions. Remember to maintain a thoughtful and calm approach when it comes to your career. It is a promising year for studies, and you will invest substantial effort and remain resolute and dedicated in your academic pursuits.
Libra - Your diligence, skill, and integrity will be demanded throughout the year. Saturn will take up residence in your fifth house from the very beginning of the year, and your dedicated and truthful efforts will be required to make your relationships and financial matters stronger. Jupiter will help fortify your personal connections, though, and help your earnings gradually go up. After May 1, Jupiter itself will also probably cause you to indulge in increased expenditures. While you will experience some mental strain due to your finances, your focus towards spiritual matters will awaken. Though love will start on a good note at the beginning of the year, there may be certain challenges in the mid-year period. However, the remainder of the year will be filled with romantic prospects and even the consideration of marriage during the final months. Positive career outcomes are possible this year. Saturn's influence encourages diligent work. The more dedication you invest, the higher your chances of success, potentially even in competitive examinations. However, caution is advised during the months of March and April in your professional and academic lives. From a health perspective, the year will be characterized by many fluctuations. Neglecting self-responsibility can lead to setbacks.
Scorpio - The year 2024 brings a promise of new beginnings for Scorpio individuals. Jupiter will continue its stay in the sixth house until May 1, potentially leading to health concerns and an uptick in expenses. However, Jupiter in the seventh house will contribute to mitigating challenges and promoting harmonious relationships, both in marriage and in personal connections. Exercise caution against impulsive decisions that could lead to later regrets. You will go the extra mile for your beloved, which will result in a deepening of emotional bonds. From April to June, focus on your career, as stability will grace your career as a reward for your focus in the upcoming year. Prioritizing health, particularly in the first half of the year, is crucial, given the indications of potential care requirements.
Sagittarius - This article predicts a year filled with hope for those born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign. However, as the year begins, the presence of the Sun and Mars in your sign may trigger a state of heightened emotions. It is advisable to refrain from impulsive speech or hasty decisions, as these actions could impact not only your business but also your personal life. In the initial phase of the year, the divine Jupiter will grace your fifth house, leading to enhancements in your romantic bonds, a boost in luck, and positive strides in financial matters. Positive outcomes can be anticipated for students as well. Beyond May 1, Jupiter will transition to your sixth house, potentially introducing health concerns and fluctuations in areas where Jupiter previously yielded favorable outcomes. Throughout the year, Saturn's presence in the third house will imbue you with courage and determination. Conquering procrastination this year could pave the way for significant achievements.
Capricorn - Your zodiac ruler holds influence over your second house, and the continual presence of Saturn in this house throughout the year will consistently reinforce your financial stability and thus bring forth positive financial outcomes. Challenges will not deter you; instead, you will confront them directly. Substantial advancement is foreseen in matters of romance. Your career might witness substantial achievements, while diligent efforts and focus among students could enhance their skills, leading to academic accomplishments. Those pursuing higher education might encounter some challenges to navigate. Caution is advised in your marital life. From a health standpoint, this year will maintain a positive outlook, with occasional minor health concerns.
Aquarius - This year holds significant promise for those born under this sign. Saturn, your zodiac ruler, will continue its influence in your own sign throughout the year, resulting in favorable outcomes across various aspects of your life. This will lead to an increased sense of discipline in your life as you tackle tasks with dedication and diligence, solidifying your position in your professional realm and keeping you ahead of your peers. Anticipate growth and favorable results in your business endeavors. The year's beginning might introduce some strain in romantic relationships due to the influences of the Sun and Mars. However, this tension is expected to transform into positivity during the latter part of the year. Your efforts will be directed toward nurturing your relationships, gradually fostering stronger emotional connections. Your career path is poised for substantial success, guided by Saturn's influence, and while students will encounter difficulties with focus initially, the middle of the year holds the potential for exam success. Cautiously plan and prudently manage your expenses throughout this year. On the health front, the outlook is optimistic, though it's recommended to avoid activities that could jeopardize your well-being.
Pisces - Pisces natives can anticipate a year full of promising opportunities in 2024. Throughout the year, Jupiter, your zodiac ruler, will reside in your second house, providing protection for your finances and improved communication will enrich your relationships, while the potential for amassing wealth is predicted. Following May 1, Jupiter's transition to the third house will bolster your business prospects, fostering growth. Positive shifts in your marital relationships may occur, accompanied by potential financial expansion. Your dedication to your responsibilities will notably increase. However, Saturn's year-long presence in the twelfth house warrants financial caution, as some form of expenditure may persist. Be prepared for potential opportunities for foreign travel.
With that, I end this month's tour of celestial events. But I have yet another special surprise for you to help you commence your journey into 2024 in the best of spirits. That packs a punch. Here are the Full Moons of 2024 to help you prepare for the best year: -
This image was borrowed from WitchyGypsyHippy, Muggle IG@alicethestarseedwitch.
I will be back next month with more celestial events and a short glimpse into the future. Stay tuned to "Cosmic Communiqués by Hiya" and keep reading the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.
Please note: - A lot of information in this chapter, especially the effects of the planets and the facts about solar eclipses and related terms such as "Baily's Beads," "occultations," and "syzygy," has been taken directly from First Year and Second Year Astronomy lessons at Hogwarts.
Sources: - https://www.astrosage.com/2024/horoscope-2024.asp (direct quotations also taken from this source)
Image Credits: - https://lightsinthedark.com/2017/08/24/bagging-bailys-beads/
- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Compiler, Publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.