
written by Hiya Debnath

So how did you start your new year, 2024? Did the year begin as expected? The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is on the journey through 2024 with you. Read away to get more New Year vibes and smoothly transition into the upcoming shortest month of the year while also staying full of love, positive thoughts, and valid expectations throughout the entire year of 2024. Let's make this year truly worth it. Are you feeling equipped for the ups and downs? Here's a toast to the magical ride through 2024, with the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine January 2024 New Year's & Pre-Valentine's Special Issue.

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Hello Students, Staff, and Spirits

Chapter 1

Hello Students, Staff, and Spirits,

How did the first month of the year go? I bet you had fun returning to Hogwarts after your Christmas vacations and restarting your academics, fueled by fresh enthusiasm. Congratulations on the new and fresh start! Happy New Year! Did you make any New Year's resolutions? Did you start working on them to bring your desires to fruition, achieve success, and make your dreams a reality? Well done. In this month's issue, we will take you on a ride through the lovely month of January, with the taste of new hopes and positive vibes still lingering in the air and the satisfaction of a fresh start still pushing our minds to work hard for success. We will also give you a short glimpse into the upcoming month of February—the Valentine's month, that is, the month of love—and help you smoothly transition from gearing up for a fresh start to actually loving yourself and then attracting new love or strengthening your existing relationships in the month of February. Welcome to the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine January 2024 New Year's & Pre-Valentine's Special Issue, the fifth issue of this magazine, to help you embrace the New Year and prepare for love. We hope you enjoy and love reading this magazine, find it worth your time and attention, and make the most of it.

The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine was founded by a 2nd year Gryffindor witch at Hogwarts, Hiya Debnath, in lieu of facilitating the easy spread of information, news, and entertainment at Hogwarts. This magazine is also for time-pass purposes and fun, so enjoy it.

For a fresh start with new anticipations and new hopes, along with new pleasures, each copy of this magazine costs only twenty Knuts, cheaper than a Remembrall that will help you remember your New Year's Resolutions.

The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing Team wishes you a very happy New Year and is pleased to announce the new additions to our team who joined this month. mylo, a 1st year Gryffindor witch, joined our team as a proof-reader this month to keep us merciful and satisfied. We also gratefully welcomed Eleanor Raven, a 1st year Gryffindor witch, into our team as a journalist this month to bless us with shining light. To add evergreen beauty to our magazine, Hazel Whitlock, a 1st year Ravenclaw witch, also joined us this month as a proof-reader and marketer. Alaric Dumbledore, a 2nd year Gryffindor wizard, also joined us this month as an editor to provide us with royal strength and power. To add a queenly vibe to our magazine, Charlotte Maywood, a 1st year Ravenclaw witch, also joined us as sales manager, journalist, and editor.

The cover of this issue of our magazine was expertly designed by Celestia Carrow, Cover Designer and Illustrator, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

What should you look out for in the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine January 2024 New Year's & Pre-Valentine's Special Issue to keep being focused and stay motivated throughout the New Year?

  1. Arithmancy classes have begun at Hogwarts. That's a great start with a numerical vibe (which reminds me of grades) and a nice way to keep you motivated for academic success. Go to Arithmancy class and start playing with your grades, uh, numbers. By the way, don't forget to check out the numbers 2-0-2-4. Learn about many more interesting potions if you are in your sixth-year at Hogwarts. Professor Draekon has been setting up classes in the Potions dungeons for eager-to-learn and enthusiastic sixth-year students. Read "Breaking News at Hogwarts.".

  2. Unravel and decode the mysteries of the universe and cryptic communications from the cosmos in "Cosmic Communiqués by Hiya." Also, discover a fresh, new term. When you like something too much, it only occurs once in a blue moon, right? Actually, that's very natural. This month, we will explain the natural phenomenon of the "Blue Moon" and uncover its rare mysteries.

  3. Wizards and witches among Muggles are satisfying people to find. Who doesn't want to know more about them? Make another new acquaintance, another magical person hidden among Muggles. Turn to "Magical People Who Are Thought to Be Muggles" by Isadore Oakwood.

  4. Participate in the random wheel while taking a sneak peek into Hermione's Extendable Bag, and choose an object to get a chance to win prizes and money from our magazine. Open "Hermione's Extendable Bag" in the pages of this magazine.

  5. Solve some cute riddles and puzzles in an entertaining compilation of the same in "Riddles for Fun".

  6. An interview with Professor Oliver Adler and another with Professor Matthew Aspen in "Interviews with the Professors".

  7. Enjoy cooking with Eleanor in "A Taste of Magic".

  8. Sum up the intricacies of Hogwarts Castle from an Arithmantical viewpoint in "Does This Add Up?".

  9. Decide on the best Valentine's Day gifts for your partner based on their zodiac sign with help from "Star-crossed Lovers".

  10. Uncover the DISC personality profiles of famous witches and wizards from your History of Magic classes and stand a chance to win money from our magazine in "This Month's Special Topic by Hiya".

  11. Fall in love with yourself, this magazine, and possibly a very special someone through "This Month's New Year and Pre-Valentine's Special Topic by Hiya".

We hope you enjoy reading, and cheers to a loving and fresh start to 2024! Happy New Year, 2024, my lovely witches and wizards.


- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Compiler, Publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

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