So how did you start your new year, 2024? Did the year begin as expected? The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is on the journey through 2024 with you. Read away to get more New Year vibes and smoothly transition into the upcoming shortest month of the year while also staying full of love, positive thoughts, and valid expectations throughout the entire year of 2024. Let's make this year truly worth it. Are you feeling equipped for the ups and downs? Here's a toast to the magical ride through 2024, with the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine January 2024 New Year's & Pre-Valentine's Special Issue.
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Riddles for Fun
Chapter 12
Tricia Malfoy: -
*Cough* You are walking with Harry Potter to show him the famous Ravenclaw tiara. At the door to the entrance of the Ravenclaw Common Room, you are asked a riddle. Help Harry Potter answer the riddle:
Headmaster, friend, and soul so bright,
I met my end on the darkest night.
I mentored the boy who lived to fight.
Who am I, with all my might?
Elizabeth Wonders: -
I was once a great person,
Until my daughter lied.
Thousands attempt to get my crown,
But they have been denied.
Who am I?
olivia.: -
I'm a room of wonders, with a need to please.
Slytherins, Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws—all of these.
I am on the seventh floor, with a hidden entrance.
What enchanted place am I in Hogwarts Land?
Kyra: -
Masks I wear many,
But not many see what's behind.
I am always rejected.
Except by those as dark as the one I despise.
I pretend to spy on the good,
To confuse those who are dark.
I spy on the dark for the greater good.
I bear the Dark Mark.
I hate and fear One of whom I will not speak,
Yet I throw myself continually at his feet.
Everyone thinks I am a villain.
But when all other hope is gone, I will remain.
Those I defend,
I do not love.
And those I fight,
I cannot hate.
The one who hates me the most,
Is the one I will die to protect.
Eleanor Raven: -
I’m n-not sure if you r-remember me,
I t-taught here long ago,
B-but I d-died one night, in a f-final fight
When my m-master m-met his foe.
Who am I?
Hazel Whitlocks's riddle: -
I was the pride of those who owned me,
and a murder sealed my fate.
For years, my true identity went unknown,
and my end was brought by the one,
who was a best friend of my foe,
and one of the Golden Trio.
I was retrieved from a potion-bath,
by one so brave and kind.
A piece of the one they all despise,
In me, you would find.
Hiya: - Let's speak of four things and number them from 1 to 4.
Four answers you will have, I promise the clues won't be a bore.
- I am never anywhere else but beneath your feet, but if I gave way, you wouldn't be able to survive the heat.
- You can't see me, but I am here, there, and everywhere. I am a homogeneous mixture of different compounds, and my name rhymes with the word "where".
- I am transparent and escape very easily, but with some effort, I can be contained. You need me to digest your food; without me, your bodily processes wouldn't be maintained.
- I am painful to touch and impossible to hold. I can make iron glow, but I cannot burn gold. One of the answers above can render me dead, and another of the same can help me spread.
Answers: -
Tricia Malfoy's riddle - Albus Dumbledore
Elizabeth's riddle - Rowena Ravenclaw
olivia.'s riddle - Room of Requirement
Kyra's riddle - Professor Snape
Eleanor Raven's riddle - Professor Quirrell.
Hazel Whitlocks's riddle - The Slytherin Locket
Hiya's riddle - 1. The Earth's Crust, 2. Air, 3. Water, 4. Fire
- Tricia Malfoy, ex-Journalist, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine; Elizabeth Wonders, Proof-reader, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine; olivia., Marketer, Publishing Secretary, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine; Kyra, Journalist, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine; Eleanor Raven, Journalist, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine; Hazel Whitlocks, Proof-reader, Marketer, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine; Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Compiler, Publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.