
written by Hiya Debnath

So how did you start your new year, 2024? Did the year begin as expected? The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is on the journey through 2024 with you. Read away to get more New Year vibes and smoothly transition into the upcoming shortest month of the year while also staying full of love, positive thoughts, and valid expectations throughout the entire year of 2024. Let's make this year truly worth it. Are you feeling equipped for the ups and downs? Here's a toast to the magical ride through 2024, with the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine January 2024 New Year's & Pre-Valentine's Special Issue.

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This Month’s Special Topic by Hiya - DISC Personality Assessment Test and the Hall of Fame

Chapter 17

If you have taken the second-year History of Magic Lessons at Hogwarts, you surely know about the Hall of Fame. "The Museum of Magic’s British Hall of Fame" details the lives and accomplishments of an amazing array of 593 witches and wizards for their outstanding positive contributions to the wizarding society, ensuring that they will be remembered for their historical contributions to the British nation. (This description has been directly lifted from Lesson 6, Famous British Wizards, Second-Year History of Magic Classes at Hogwarts.)

This month's special topic attempts to speculate on the possible DISC personality assessments of a few of those Hall of Fame entrants from the wizarding world. Here I am once again, Hiya, the editor-in-chief of this magazine, with "This Month's Special Topic - DISC Personality Assessment Test and the Hall of Fame".

The DISC personality assessment tool is often used by Muggles to know each other and understand themselves better in terms of their workplace traits through a common language and utilize that knowledge to improve teamwork, reduce conflict, enhance communication, improve working relationships, and increase productivity in the workplace. You can take the DISC personality test for free here.

DISC is an acronym that stands for the four personality profiles described in the DISC model (along with descriptions of individuals who fit into each personality profile) : -

(D)ominance - They are fast-paced, task-focused, and motivated by winning, competition, and success. They are direct, strong-willed, forceful, self-confident, driven, prefer taking action rather than taking a backseat, and love challenges. Their needs include being in a position of power and achieving immediate results. Their fears include losing control and displaying vulnerability. They value results and action and are limited by a lack of concern for others, impatience, and stubbornness.

(I)nfluence - They place an emphasis on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. They are motivated by social recognition and are fast-paced and relationship-focused. They like group activities and networking and focus on spontaneity, collaboration, and expressing enthusiasm. They can be seen as quite charming, charismatic, trusting, convincing, fun, exciting, and optimistic. They enjoy a friendly environment. They fear losing social approval and being alone or ignored. They can also be disorganized and may be limited by a lack of follow-through and impulsiveness.

(S)teadiness - These individuals, as the name suggests, are steady, predictable, and slower-paced, with their focus staying on relationships. They are motivated by cooperation, opportunities to help, and sincere appreciation. They like maintaining and giving stability and support, and they enjoy being given the same themselves by others. They value loyalty, helpfulness, and job security. Their needs are properly organized systems, teams, and a stable environment. Their major fears are sudden changes, loss of stability and/or security, and offending others. They require friendly communication and clear rules with clarifications provided with clear interest and enthusiasm. They may need some time to process their feelings and do not deal well with impolite individuals or confrontational, overly aggressive, or rude behavior from other workers. Their limitations include indecisiveness, being overly accommodating, and a tendency to avoid sudden change without an opportunity to plan.

(C)onscientiousness - They place an emphasis on working meticulously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. They are slower-paced and task-focused. They are motivated by opportunities to gain more information, build their knowledge, show their expertise, and produce high-quality, accurate work. They are described as careful, cautious, systematic, diplomatic, accurate, and tactful. Their fears include being criticized and/or being wrong, and loss of quality or accuracy. These individuals like communication with a focus on facts and details, and you need to be persistent, patient, and diplomatic to get them to talk and listen. They are also not big fans of "pep talk" or emotional language.

Let's now try and assign DISC personality profiles to a few witches and wizards from The Museum of Magic's British Hall of Fame.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - The famous former Headmaster of Hogwarts, is well known and well observed, as well as frequently criticized by almost the entire magical community. His entry into the Hall of Fame was not only well deserved but also very obvious. Though people enjoy overly criticizing the negative aspects of his life and family, that is only a side effect of snatching the spotlight as a highly talented individual and successful wizard. During his school life, Albus Dumbledore bagged nearly every single award Hogwarts offered, excelled in his studies, and portrayed excellent magical abilities, winning accolades and gaining recognition in the eyes of professors and professionals. His formal education wasn't enough to satisfy his outstanding intelligence and thirst for knowledge, so he taught himself, becoming a very well known autodidact. Dumbledore was an expert transfigurist, skilled dueler, proficient in non-verbal spells, excelled at Alchemy, and worked with the famous alchemist, Nicholas Flamel. He also held the title of Order of Merlin, First Class, for defeating the famous dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald, and served as the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot for several years during his lifetime. He was also an owner of the Elder Wand. He discovered the 12 uses of dragon's blood and fought Voldemort in the legendary battle at the Ministry of Magic. He was eventually killed by Severus Snape, a death he chose for himself for noble reasons. Not to mention, he was definitely a fun and charismatic personality whom everyone feared and respected. Even the world's most powerful dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, was afraid of only one person in the entire world: Albus Dumbledore. So was the case of the famous poltergeist, Peeves, who terrorized students and Professors alike in the corridors of Hogwarts. So, what does that sound like? Definitely an influential personality. I think his DISC personality profile would be (I)nfluence.

Damocles Belby - A highly acclaimed potioneer living among us, Damocles Belby is a relatively recent addition to the Hall of Fame. He invented several important potions, including the famous Wolfsbane Potion, and perfected the recipes for variations of several existing potions. He is a former Gryffindor. He works meticulously, passionately, and systematically and stays tight-lipped about his projects. He is one to make the most of the existing system, with his focus on precision and accuracy, and he gains satisfaction from showing off his expertise and inventing quality potions and high-quality, accurate variation recipes. Does that remind you of—well, it reminds me of the DISC personality profile, (C)onscientiousness? Another person who portrayed the same personality profile would be Ignatia Wildsmith, the inventor of the Floo Powder and a passionate herbologist. While not much information about her is available because of her largely undocumented early life, she was known for her love and passion for herbology from a very young age, during and after her time at Hogwarts. This paid off for herself and for the entire wizarding world through her amazing creation of the Floo Powder, the recipe for which remains secret to date.

Miranda Goshawk - Of course, you have heard her name, especially if you are an avid reader of textbooks, excel in academics, and love Charms. She is the well known author of the entire seven-volume collection of the "Standard Book of Spells" series. She was an ambitious Slytherin witch, born into a large pureblood family in Wales, and constantly faced the issue of being troubled by her older sisters attempting to hinder or heckle her. However, she would not give in to attempts at oppression and worked hard and fast, overcoming all hurdles and brushing past obstacles, to intently soak in any knowledge she could lay hands on, and compiled voluminous, meticulous, and neat notes on spell casting information that revolutionized magical education all over the world when published in the worldwide-known series of textbooks after her graduation. She thus gave a fitting reply to her older sisters and used her stubbornness to gain success and worldwide recognition, proving that she indeed was not one to be messed with. She was strong-willed, motivated, self-confident, focused, driven by success and competition, and loved challenges. She did not stop at compiling the Charm textbook series, though. She also produced various other textbooks on a myriad of topics, including herbology and magizoology. Of course, that reminds me of the DISC personality profile, (D)ominance.

Mungo Bonham - Yes, we are talking about the famous healer, the founder of St. Mungo's Magical Hospital for Maladies and Injuries. He was a Slytherin wizard who grew up in the beginnings of the Renaissance, prior to the signing of the International Statute of Secrecy. He did not plan on being a healer during his early life, despite his proficiency and excellence in academics during his time at Hogwarts. However, his younger sister, Morfydd, fell ill and died of vanishing sickness, fueling him into taking action, as vanishing sickness was not an incurable disease. The medical field at that time was largely scattered and lacked organized and standardized procedures and remedies. Mungo decided to fix the ill-handled healing practices to help other people like himself avoid future losses like that of his sister. Therefore, he dedicated his life to spreading medical knowledge and treating the sick, especially those who could not afford treatment. He visited many different locales for the same purpose. But he soon realized that it was not possible to revolutionize the healing system single-handedly and organize the healing practices alone, no matter how hard he worked. He would need the umbrella of an institution that could be the stronghold for systematic, affordable, and formalized, standardized healing and healthcare. He thus created St. Mungo's Hospital to try and provide the same. He was systematic, steady, predictable, and focused on relationships. He was motivated by opportunities to help, in the form of healing, and liked receiving and giving stability and support in the form of a secure, wizarding hospital. He valued loyalty and helpfulness, and his needs included properly organized systems, teams, and a stable environment. That certainly reminds me of the DISC personality profile: (S)teadiness.

Newton Artemis Fido Scamander - A renowned, exceptional, contemporary magizoologist, Newton (Newt) Scamander is certainly someone very few would say they didn't know. He was expelled from Hogwarts without completing his standard exams, but went on to become an amazing magizoologist who worked in the Ministry of Magic's Department for the Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures. He also wrote two groundbreaking pieces of legislation - the Werewolf Register and the Ban on Experimental Breeding. He also received the Order of Merlin, Second Class, despite his lack of education. Well-known in the wizarding world, he is still a role model for many aspiring magizoologists and animal-loving witches and wizards. If you are a fan of Newton Scamander too, participate in this month's task to earn money from the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine - just owl me, Hiya Debnath, the Compiler and Publisher of this magazine, a few lines about which DISC personality profile you think Newt Scamander would fit into and why. I personally think that he would fit into the DISC personality profile - (I)nfluence, owing to his charming and charismatic personality, quick social recognition and rise to fame, and his optimistic and trusting nature. Tell us your opinion to participate in the above task. I am awake and wide-eyed all the time, waiting for your owls to receive your opinions and views. You may also drop into "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office" among the "Groups & Clubs" at Hogwarts, using the portkey : - https://www.hogwartsishere.com/groups/73923/ to tell us what you think. We will be waiting to chat with you and to give you a warm welcome.

That was all for this month. I hope you enjoyed reading this month's special topic. Have fun, stay happy, achieve what you want, revolutionize your life according to your personality traits, feel loved (ooo, next month is Valentine's month; you will need to pool up your self-love already), make a lot of great friends and acquaintances, fulfill your desires, and keep reading the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine. Stay tuned.

Please note that the information about the entrants to the British Wizarding Hall of Fame, "The Museum of Magic's British Hall of Fame", was all taken from Lesson 6, Second-Year History of Magic Lessons at Hogwarts.






Source : - discprofile.com






- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Compiler, Publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

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