So how did you start your new year, 2024? Did the year begin as expected? The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is on the journey through 2024 with you. Read away to get more New Year vibes and smoothly transition into the upcoming shortest month of the year while also staying full of love, positive thoughts, and valid expectations throughout the entire year of 2024. Let's make this year truly worth it. Are you feeling equipped for the ups and downs? Here's a toast to the magical ride through 2024, with the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine January 2024 New Year's & Pre-Valentine's Special Issue.
Last Updated
From Our Team
Chapter 19
Hello Students, Staff, and Spirits,
We hope you enjoyed the first month of the New Year, 2024. Cheers to another year full of aspirations, hopes, achievements, happiness, and success.
The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing Team concludes this month's issue by wishing you only positivity and joy for the whole of the New Year, 2024. And a lot of love for the next month and beyond. We love you for being our unwavering and enthusiastic readers and beloved supporters. We appreciate you reading the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine and hope for your continued presence and love. Thank you for being our biggest cheerleaders.
We enjoy bringing this magazine to you, and your choosing our magazine every month only fuels us further.
Our team members who worked hard to bring you this issue of the magazine included: -
Journalists - Hiya Debnath (2nd year Gryffindor witch), Isadore Oakwood (1st year Ravenclaw wizard), Kyra (1st year Gryffindor witch), Raven Greengrass (1st year Ravenclaw wizard), Eleanor Raven (1st year Gryffindor witch), and Charlotte Maywood (1st year Ravenclaw witch).
Editors - Hiya Debnath (Editor-in-Chief), Alaric Dumbledore (2nd year Gryffindor wizard), Isadore Oakwood, and Charlotte Maywood.
Proof-readers - Elizabeth Wonders (1st year Ravenclaw witch), Lily Dumbledore (1st year Ravenclaw witch), and Hazel Whitlock (1st year Ravenclaw witch).
Compiler and Publisher - Hiya Debnath.
Publishing Secretary - olivia..
Cover Designer and Illustrator - Celestia Carrow.
Marketers - Veronica Nightingale (1st year Hufflepuff witch), olivia. (1st year Slytherin witch), and Hazel Whitlock.
Sales Manager - Charlotte Maywood.
Here are the reward owners of the month who showed exceptional dedication towards creating this issue of the magazine: -
Hiya's Editing Quill Owner of the Month - Charlotte Maywood.
Daisy's Reporting Quill Owner of the Month - Kyra.
Rita Skeeter's Quick Quotes Quill Owner of the Month - Kyra.
Minerva Mcgonagall's Proof-reading Quill Owner of the Month - Elizabeth Wonders.
Dumbledore's Fancy Quill Owner of the Month - Kyra.
Dumbledore's Moon Watch Owners of the Month - Kyra as Journalist, Charlotte Maywood as Editor, Elizabeth Wonders as Proof-Reader, and olivia. as Marketer.
Dumbledore's Rings Owner of the Month - Charlotte Maywood.
Dumbledore's Half-Moon Spectacles Owner of the Month - Hazel Whitlock.
Deluminator Owner of the Month - olivia..
Lavender's Yule Ball Bows Owner of the Month - olivia..
Model of Binky Owner of the Month - olivia..
Snape's Love Letter to Lily Owners of the Month - Eleanor Raven.
Snape's Potions Owner of the Month - Hiya Debnath.
Celestia's Wand Owner of the Month - Hiya Debnath.
Isadore's Wand Owner of the Month - No one this month.
Hiya's Wand Owners of the Month - Tricia Malfoy, Elizabeth Wonders, olivia., Kyra, Eleanor Raven, Hazel Whitlock, and Hiya Debnath.
We would love to welcome more people to help row the boat and share our responsibilities in the future. If you would love to join us in our magical experience, please send an owl to either Compiler and Publisher, Hiya Debnath, or Publishing Secretary, olivia.. Alternatively, you may also drop into "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office". We have vacancies for Journalists (if you love to write and think that creation of written pieces is your forte, jump right in), Editors (if you are good at rephrasing sentences beautifully, put your name into the box), Proof- readers (if you have a keen eye for finer details, love correcting grammar or spelling mistakes, and have a reputation for being a grammar nazi, drop your name into the ring), and Marketers (if you love to create innovative and eye-catching graphics that grab a lot of attention instantly, strut confidently and proudly into the arena).
We would also like to request that our readers drop by our office and leave their valuable feedback for our magazine, if any, or simply chat with us over a mug of our best-brewed warm coffee about anything and everything they like. Anything our readers say is of the utmost importance to us. Dear Readers, your wish is our command. There is no Fidelius Charm on our little, comfortable location, and our doors are always left wide open for you to enter. Should you have difficulty locating our office, just use the Floo Network to connect to our fireplace by saying "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office" loud and clear among the "Groups & Clubs" of Hogwarts. If you would rather travel by portkey, here's one left by us with love for you: -
One of us will certainly be present in our office to welcome you as soon as you arrive.
Our fireplace is registered with the Ministry of Magic and is regularly maintained. Our portkey is legal and completely safe for use.
The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is published on the last day of every month with the latest, juiciest details and also some fun and entertainment. In the pages of this magazine every month, we provide you with a riddle to solve that gives you an opportunity to earn five Knuts, a free advertising opportunity, and a special mention of your name in the next issue; a section on the important celestial events of the month with a glimpse into the same for the next month; a special topic; general news; and more.
The cost of advertising anything in this magazine is one Knut per advertisement.
With that, we would like to take leave for this month. See you again in the month of love, hopefully with your sweetheart on your arm. We will bring you our next issue on February 29th, 2024. Here's hoping that you enjoy the New Year and enter the shortest month of the year feeling refreshed, optimistic, and full of positive feelings and self-love.
Thank you for reading our magazine. Please read our "A Note of Thanks" to you.
- The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing Team.