
written by Hiya Debnath

So how did you start your new year, 2024? Did the year begin as expected? The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is on the journey through 2024 with you. Read away to get more New Year vibes and smoothly transition into the upcoming shortest month of the year while also staying full of love, positive thoughts, and valid expectations throughout the entire year of 2024. Let's make this year truly worth it. Are you feeling equipped for the ups and downs? Here's a toast to the magical ride through 2024, with the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine January 2024 New Year's & Pre-Valentine's Special Issue.

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The Monthly House Point Competition

Chapter 5

Which house do you belong to? What is your primary personality trait? Is it bravery, ambition, loyalty, or wisdom? You may also have a mixed personality with traits from all four houses. But the Sorting Hat knows best. You may have confused the Sorting Hat itself by being a near-hatstall. Well, you should be proud, then, because hatstalls are extremely rare.

Whatever the case, go ahead and make your house proud by earning a lot of house points, and also make your name shine in the process. For now, the only way to win house points at Hogwarts is to go to class, study hard, and complete the corresponding assignments. You are awarded 1 house point for every full 10 marks you get on each of your assignments that you submit in class. You can see them once your submitted assignments are graded and returned.

To laud your work and to show off your house pride, join the House Point Competition Group at Hogwarts and throw your name into the ring for the Monthly House Point Competition hosted by the diligent Astronomy Professor, Professor Robert Plumb, to win a gold, silver, or bronze medal. You can join on any day in the month, but you will want to be quick because only those house points that you earn after joining will be counted for the competition. Remember that you will need at least 30 house points to participate.

Where do you need to go? If you want to reach the competition via the Floo Network, say "House Point Competition Group" loud and clear among the "Groups & Clubs" of Hogwarts. If you would rather travel by portkey, here's one for you: - https://www.hogwartsishere.com/groups/13729/

With that, it's time to congratulate the winners of this month. The first position and the gold medal was awarded to Martha Desurra, a 2nd year Ravenclaw witch, for earning 548 house points. The second position and the silver medal went to Hiya Debnath, a 2nd year Gryffindor witch, for earning 229 house points. The third position and the bronze medal was taken by Alex Halsey, a 1st year Slytherin wizard, for earning 81 house points. Professor Robert Plumb, the kind host of the competition, left the shiny medals on the winners' walls.


- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Compiler, Publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

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