Are Conjured Creatures Real?
A short research paper about the Principle of Artificianimate Quasi-Dominance and how it proves that conjured creatures are not in fact real.
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The Principle of Artificianimate Quasi-Dominance Proves Conjured Creatures are not Real
Chapter 1
Note-This is a short research paper about magical theory proving that conjured creatures are not real using magical laws.
Muggles may learn in their schools about Newton’s Third Law, but we learn about some of the magical laws that make the world what it is. Whether it be one of the Fundamental Laws of Magic or Professor Croaker’s Law, each has an effect on the world. Without these laws and theories, magic would not be able to be understood. The Principle of Artificianimate Quasi-Dominance may not be the most impactful in our magical world, but it may have some of the most interesting theories and conclusions to come about it. Out of all of the questions that this law asks, maybe the most important is are conjured creatures real? And if this theory is proven correct and conjured creatures are just figments of reality, then that can change the entire magical world.
The Principle of Artificianimate Quasi-Dominance is simple enough; it talks about the issues that can arise when conjuring a creature. Whether it be rabbit-frog hybrids or intermediate stumps, the law explains all of the possible mutations that can occur. The law, though little other information is known about it, poses the question if conjured creatures are real or not. However, it has become more than apparent that the creatures conjured are not real, and that may be the reason how the outcomes of creatures being mutated may be predetermined.
Conjuring is no easy task. At Hogwarts, the idea of conjuring is not even taught until N.E.W.T. level, or sixth year Transfiguration. Conjuring, if one is just messing around, can lead to dire consequences. One of these such consequences includes severed heads or other mutations in the animal, which can happen due to a lack of focus or other factors. However, some theorists believe that these mistakes are predetermined, and they believe this due to the idea that conjured creatures are not in fact real.
Using modern genetics and heavy experiments, one can discover a pattern of the mutations or mistakes that can occur in conjuring a creature. If done enough times with changing certain variables, it may reveal a pattern in the mistakes when summoning a creature.
If creatures are not in fact real, then that can prove the apparently dominated specific outcomes. When someone fails at a spell, like Wingardium Leviosa, then the spell will go wrong in a predetermined outcome. This is common Charms knowledge. However, if this same knowledge is applied to Transfiguration, then it may become clear that when failing to conjure a creature, an already decided outcome may occur.
Every magical law is linked to some capacity. As it turns out, Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration provides crucial information on this topic. Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration states that food cannot be created from thin air. However, condiments and sauces can be conjured due to the fact that they hold little to no nutritious factors. This is the reason why food cannot be conjured. Using this logic, it becomes clear why creatures that are conjured are not real: because conjuration cannot create nutrients.
As gruesome as this is, a dead animal is food to another animal. Every human, wizard, witch, and creature alike are made of nutrients and things one can call food. Though creatures are capable of being conjured, it is clear that these creatures are not truly alive or real. Though these creatures can harm or even kill, they cannot be killed. When they die, they will dissolve into flames. This is because the conjured animal cannot be used as food or nutrients.
Most conjured things are not truly real. It is a common theory in Transfiguration that conjured things are not truly real. Though it is unclear when it comes to creatures, all of the research that has been done proves clearly that conjured creatures are not real.
To add on to the case, the Principle of Artificianimate Quasi-Dominance is proven real by this logic. The principle is proven correct to this logic, and due to the fact that conjured creatures are not real, that proves that conjured creatures’ outcomes to mistakes in conjugation are predetermined. At the end of the day, conjuring creatures is the same as failing a simple transfiguration, and will have a dominant predetermined outcome for the situation. The Principle of Artificianimate Quasi-Dominance is a law proven correct, and it proves that conjured creatures are not real. This logic can affect the rest of the magical world and the world forever to come.