Hogwarts Monthly Magazine February 2024 Valentine's Special Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

Ahh, February, the month of love. It was in the air throughout the month, and almost no one was immune to the vibe. The tension was palpable, and the excitement was sky-high. If you spent the month balancing between trying to be a good student and falling prey to bittersweet romantic thoughts, don't worry; you weren't alone. Catch a glimpse of the mystique of the romantic month of February at Hogwarts, welcome the spring season full of pretty blossoms knocking at your door with open arms, and discover a lot more through this last monthly issue of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine, while you simultaneously reminisce about your lovey-dovey February shenanigans.

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This Month's Special Topic by Charlotte - Your Crush's Love Languages Based on Their Hogwarts House

Chapter 20

Hello Readers, I am Charlotte Maywood, Journalist, Editor, Sales Manager, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine. I have endeavored to bring you this month’s special topic, in which I will guide you through deciphering the love languages of each Hogwarts house.

If you are still not sure how to show your crush that you care, you may want to take a different approach to the same. Speak their love language, lest they miss your signals due to differences in the love language the two of you speak and understand best. Do you want to learn the love language of your crush in an easy way (and yes, I mean without any creepy stalking or sneakily slipping them chocolate frogs spiked with Amortentia)? Then I’ve got your back. You have finally found an article that will explain it all to you, right here. The linguistics of love are complicated, but pay attention, and I will do my best to be very clear. So, first of all, what exactly is a love language? Baptist pastor Gary Chapman, in his 1992 book "The 5 Love Languages", first introduced to the world the concept of speaking a certain language to show love. We are not talking about a verbal language here, but we are still talking about a means of communication nonetheless. According to Chapman, the reason married people fight is that they are each trying to express their love in ways the other person doesn’t understand. It is as if, as he explains, they are speaking different languages. I hope that made it way more clear for you to understand. Love language refers to the various ways in which we express our love, if I were to explain it in simpler terms.

While Gary Chapman later made a name for himself by writing a whole set of books on the topic, including The 5 Love Languages of Children, The 5 Love Languages Singles Edition, The 5 Love Languages for Men, The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers, and The 5 Love Languages Military Edition, for us, knowing the love language of our crush's Hogwarts house will suffice.

All you need to do is ask your crush or find out which Hogwarts house they belong to. It’s a good conversation starter, and it tells you their love language. Let us determine your crush's love language together on this page once you have the above information.

There are five different love languages, as said by Gary Chapman. They are:

  • acts of service

  • words of affirmation

  • physical touches

  • quality time

  • receiving gifts

The most common love language among both men and women all over the world is, however, quality time. The love languages that we speak are a direct reflection of how we want to be treated and loved in a relationship. They also tell us what makes us feel loved and how we like people to show us that they care. Let’s dive into the love language of each Hogwarts house! Remember that although the Sorting Hat never makes mistakes and one's Hogwarts house is a great personality test, one that it is possible to say is on par with any other Muggle personality quizzes or psychological assessments, these are only mere speculations and are not guaranteed to be an exact determinant of the love language of your crush. However, this is a good place to start, and the following love languages attributed to each Hogwarts house below may most likely be their dominant ones. If not, direct communication is always the best way to find a common love language going forward.

If your crush is a Gryffindor, then their dominant love language is likely physical touch. The brave and daring Gryffindors are not afraid of anything, and that includes holding hands in public or boldly showing off their love. They could scream their love for you from the tallest towers of Hogwarts Castle, such is their nerve. (Do not try such stunts, though, as it may annoy those trying to get some last-minute studying for an assignment or some much-needed Quidditch practice done. They will not find it very amusing.). Make sure that you take the time to hug and cuddle your Gryffindor sweetheart, or even just show them that you are not ashamed of professing your feelings. They will certainly admire you for that.

Next up, we have our smart, talented, and creative Ravenclaws, the continuous pursuers of knowledge and wisdom. Those who inhabit the Ravenclaw Tower speak and understand the love language of quality time. They are forever engaged in fishing out more, and the same applies to them when it comes to love. Be an open book, and they will love to read you all day. They are diligent and take their time to complete tasks, so they appreciate people who take the time to be with them. Better still, engage them in a friendly debate and present some valuable arguments to defend your side, but be careful because you will need to fare better than your grandest duel to have any luck in this case. If you manage to manifest true wit and show some brilliant standpoints without making them angry, you have already got good points in the books of a Ravenclaw. Watch their mouths fall open as they listen to your well-presented intelligent discussions starry-eyed. Sooner than you know, they will have fallen for you hard.

If your crush is a Hufflepuff, their love language is acts of service. These people are old-school romantics at heart, loyal, dedicated, and hard-working, and they appreciate it when people show them the same sensitivity and effort. Whether it is bringing them breakfast in bed or tidying up a space for them, they appreciate the help, and feel loved because of it.

Last, but most definitely not least, if your crush happens to be a Slytherin, their love language is words of affirmation. These ambitious people like the prize, but they can easily see right through you if it is petty praise, so make sure that your compliments for them are meaningful, truthful, and spoken straight from the heart. Keep acknowledging their accomplishments, and never hinder them from achieving their goals. Don't try to help them too much because they can be proud, but if you shower them with praise every time they get what they want, however small, they will soon get used to having you beside them, perhaps forever.

That is all I have for this topic. Thank you for reading. I hope that this helps you and your crush really connect with each other and results in a long-term relationship that stands the test of time. Now that you know what love language your crush is likely to understand the quickest, do not delay any further and start speaking their love language today. I wish you success, glory, and great love. Happy Valentine's Month!

Graphic Designed By: Hiya Debnath with the help of Canva.






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- Charlotte Maywood, Journalist, Editor, Sales Manager, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

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