Potions notes
written by Artemisia Le Fay
All potions notes that i will take. i know that lesson 7 notes are after lesson 8. It is because I managed to lose three version of notes on lesson 7 before finally managing to save this version, but by that time i had already written lesson 8 notes. Soooo, sorry?
Last Updated
PTNS-101: Lesson 6 (Dragons)
Chapter 5
- Muggle legend that Sir Heinrich von Winkelried defeated a dragon in 13th century
- he died after coming in contact with dragon blood
- Almost all parts of dragons can be used.
- Dragon liver --> antidote to strong poison
- cannot be severed with Severing charm
- Dragon blood --> 12 uses (disinfectant, antiseptic, etc)
- Dragon claws --> boosts memory and intelligence
- smuggled into school campuses
- using for too long can damage nervous system
- short use can cause 'crash'
- Dragon liver --> antidote to strong poison
- All species of dragons are extremely magic resistant
- Thought to be descended from a recent common ancestor
- maybe their magical resistance is coded in DNA
- or maybe their DNA is drenched in magical energy
- coming in contact with further magical energy causes a reaction
- only a tiny drop in a vast ocean
- Dragon eggs --> class A non-tradeable material
- Chinese fireball eggs --> popular ingredients in fertility and luck potions
- In 1709 at Warlock's Convention --> dragon breeding was banned
- Romanian Dragon Sanctuary --> dedicated to preservation and study of dragons