The Adventures of Rose Prequel; Hogwarts

written by Rose Diamond

This is a story of how I first found Hogwarts -or so I thought-,the friends I made along the way, and the skills and tricks i learned.

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The Letter

Chapter 1

Hi my name is Rose. Up till my 11'th birthday I Loved Harry Potter but never really believed in the wizarding world. Then everything changed on my birthday. I went to get the mail and found my very own Hogwarts letter. I couldn’t believe it. I thought it had to be a prank or trick. So, I decided to take a risk and find out. I tossed the letter. A few minutes had passed when an owl flew up to me and dropped a letter once again in my hand. That was all the proof I needed. So after somehow getting my parents to pay for me to go to a boarding school in a "foreign" place I was off to Hogwarts. Luckily my parents agreed to let me go to London for a while to celebrate so I got all my stuff and passed it off as stuff to decorate my new room in school. Don't ask how the two are related. I honestly do not know, trust me my room at home is perfectly normal. It is painted pink and never mind that. When finally, the day arrived to go to Hogwarts my parents dropped me off on the train station with a family whose kid was also going to the same school. Once on the train the kid introduced himself. His name was Gregory Whisp. I was finally off to Hogwarts.

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