The Adventures of Rose Prequel; Hogwarts

written by Rose Diamond

This is a story of how I first found Hogwarts -or so I thought-,the friends I made along the way, and the skills and tricks i learned.

Last Updated






Settling Down

Chapter 11

“Ugh” I complained. “What happened” Delphi asked. My parents thought that my studies were being “neglected” so they wanted me to do the online schooling as well. I explained this to my friends. So basically, since I have a lot of free time, I have to do online school Monday – Friday. I practiced gymnastics on Wednesdays and had no intention of stopping. My sisters, from the Parallel Planes, Rainbowtopia, wanted me to practice magic with them. I was overjoyed. They had been acting super over protective for a while and I finally convinced them to stop. After a few weeks’ things fell into order School Monday – Friday, gymnastics on Wednesdays, Magic practice with my sisters whenever they had time, PA when professors needed it, and the “occasional” adventure. It wasn’t even half bad. Though I still haven’t been able to stop Greggory and Delphi from fighting, My parents, from the Parallel Planes, Rainbowtopia, were still being overprotective and strict “cough- cough” (more than strict) especially our dad.

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