The Adventures of Rose Prequel; Hogwarts

written by Rose Diamond

This is a story of how I first found Hogwarts -or so I thought-,the friends I made along the way, and the skills and tricks i learned.

Last Updated






Test’s Again

Chapter 14

Well actually they weren’t mad as such just very, very confused. That lead to a whole new discussion on how I could time travel through time and space without a time turner. I told them everything, well not really, I “forgot” to mention that I could do it at will without any help. After that when they told me I had to take Lily back to her time, Professor Snape sounded very halfhearted when he said it, I explained how that was literally impossible. Well not really, but it would cause a time paradox and then, well anyone who saw both lily’s would go insane. Including Lily herself. That is if she saw herself the duplicate would disappear and the real one well… No one knew that much. It could be anything. Of course, at that very moment Lily recognized Professor Snape and got very… um… unhappy? Then the other teachers left and I had to explain how we just got back from their fight to professor Snape. When that Drama was finally over, I set up a room for Lily, it the room of requirements it can easily make another small bedroom connected to a private bathroom and such. Then promptly collapsed into my own bed. After like half an hour I got a call from my parents explaining that my “real” more “important” school had final exams next week. At this point I better explain. You see my parents thought Hogwarts was fake and I was just at some private school that didn’t teach the proper core subjects. So, they said that I could go there after online school. This was all fine I was great at keeping the more magical side of me a secret. The only problem was I had to do the exams face to face. So, yeah commence my panicking. Since I was tired of making my friends give me pep talks, I didn’t say anything. Before I knew it, it was the weekend before the tests.

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