The Adventures of Rose Prequel; Hogwarts
This is a story of how I first found Hogwarts -or so I thought-,the friends I made along the way, and the skills and tricks i learned.
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Chapter 15
Before I knew it, I was sitting in for my session one of ELA testing. The Session 2 I didn’t know my score
but I knew I did ok. After all I tried my very best and that’s what matters. The rest of the week also was
quite easy all the teachers went easy on the students so that they could get a break after testing so
much. This gave me lots of time for magic practice. I was starting to get really good. Though my friends
kept saying I should try the broom flying so I finally tried. I…. well, I … um…. Failed, I failed. Of course, Lily said that It was better than being a stubborn, full of yourself, jerk you know not referring to anyone specific just a random person. I kind of laughed at that and so did Professor Snape. All the professors had come out to see. It was kind of embarrassing but oh well you can’t have everything. Speaking of which I think I found out who Delphi hates even more than Greggory. Of course, I couldn’t tell Lily why
she was so…. Um angry. Yeah, let’s go with that. If I had told her the two would fight more than Greggory and Delphi do and that’s saying something. I really don’t know what I was thinking letting the two meet each other. Anyway, I my ELA teacher assigned us this Ted ed video on the Sustainable development goals and normally I find Ted ed videos very boring, but this one was kind of inspiring. It
started out with the story of a lady who collected pennies to support learning for millions of young girls. Then it went on to explain about global citizens and I don’t think I can capture the whole thing but I found it really inspiring so I am just mentioning it. Well, that concludes this chapter. Yes, I know this is a
story. A true story that you all probably think is fantasy but well what you think is up to you. Bye.