The Adventures of Rose Prequel; Hogwarts
This is a story of how I first found Hogwarts -or so I thought-,the friends I made along the way, and the skills and tricks i learned.
Last Updated
The House
Chapter 4
I was terrified I had never gotten in trouble and here I was even before the first day of school in a professor’s office. I actually didn’t get in trouble. He just asked how I was able to control the snake and why I didn’t panic stuff like that. After I told him about volunteering at the zoo, he let the topic go and made sure I was ok. He was taking me to the hall when I couldn’t resist asking how he survived the snake bite. He said “I’m a potions master and I knew I had to be prepared of course I had anti venom on me. Oh, I said that is so much better than how the books go. Of course, he didn’t know about the books so I had to explain how someone I decided not to mention names wrote 7, 8 books on Harry Potter. I will spare you the details, let's just say he was very um frustrated that his “worst student “had 8 books on him. Anyway, we got back just before the sorting ended. I went up to the stool and sat. The hat went “hm plenty of knowledge, quite a desire to fit in, quite brave, definitely a loyal friend so where shall I put you. You certainly don’t seem to have a preference this is quite tricky. After half an hour, yes, I counted, it shouted “I CAN’T DECIDE”. IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE GREAT HALL AND ALL THE TEACHERS.