The Adventures of Rose Prequel; Hogwarts

written by Rose Diamond

This is a story of how I first found Hogwarts -or so I thought-,the friends I made along the way, and the skills and tricks i learned.

Last Updated







Chapter 7

Finally, the week of the exams arrived. Rose completely freaked out. In the end it turned out to be for nothing. Her first exam was on history of magic and while it wasn’t super easy it wasn’t super-duper hard either she still got a Exceeds Expectations on it. Next were her defense against the dark arts exams they actually weren’t as hard as she expected she even got an outstanding on them. After that were her potions exams, she finished those super quickly with an outstanding. Potions always had been her easiest subject even in regular school science was her best subject. Then she had to take the transfiguration test which was actually hard but she still got a exceeds expectations though. The next day was suppose to be her last exam herbology, surprisingly she wasn’t as worried about that one. She didn’t have to worry either. She passed that one as well with a exceeds expectations. After her exams were finished, she headed to the library. She didn’t really have anything to do. Normally she would have went to find Delphi but, they had gotten into a fight the other day. Kind of. What happened was Delphi thought she’d found a way to bring back her dad and, now she was busy with that. When Rose had told her that she should be careful and not get her hope’s up Delphi had gotten a little (a lot) upset. So now Rose sat in the library wondering what to do. She was just in the middle of a very weird day dream when she saw Delphi. IN THE LIBRARY. What Delphi never once stepped foot in the library not even to study for the exams she had this week. So, Rose went over and asked what she was doing here and Delphi explained she was actually looking for her. Turns out Rose had been right the whole bring back her dad plan failed and she had actually come to apologize. Rose said she understood She had wanted back her dad there was nothing necessarily wrong with that. Greggory who had came to help Rose study said WHAT you’re just letting it go! Delphi retaliated with a NONE of your business! Great rose thought now my two friends are fighting.

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