Daughters of the War

written by Lillie Abbott

This is a story of how two Muggles’ lives changed forever. A girl from London and a girl from Connecticut. Two opposites. Multiple Opportunities. 13 year old Hellen Page finds a chance at helping her family escape their life. Charlotte Jones is forced into a marriage. When two sides of a war create an unexpected friendship, everything changes. For the better? Or the worse?

Last Updated






Edmund Turner

Chapter 22


It didn’t take long to purchase the apples, so we returned to the man and he fed Jack before we set off on the journey to Connecticut. It was about a six-hour trip. Then, we thanked the man, who we discovered was called Richard, and we walked up to the Turner mansions’ front doors.

It was Sarah who knocked, then a boy about a year older than me who answered. “Who are you?” he said. 

“Hello,” said Sarah. “I’m Sarah Page. These are my siblings: Charles, Philip, and Hellen. We need hospitality. We’ve come from London and we haven’t got much money.” 

“Back up. Did you say you’re the Page siblings?! Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Sorry—er—you’d better come inside.” 

He led us to the sitting room and told us, “I’ll be back shortly. My father will want to speak to you.” 

We waited anxiously. We were in an estate for the first time in weeks, and I was a bit giddy. 

The boy returned ten minutes later with a man, who I assumed was his father. His eyes widened at the sight of us. “It can’t be.” 

“Oh, it is, Father. They said they came here from England.” 

“Magnificent!” The boy’s father looked us up and down as an entomologist looked over a newly discovered insect. “I haven’t seen you four since Simon was a newborn. Where is that young one?”

“H-he's dead, sir. Died from pneumonia at sea.” 

“That’s terrible! Well, I’m sorry for your loss.” 

“Father, that’s enough small talk. We have an issue.” 

“What issue?” I asked. 

“Well, Hellen—yes, I know your name—when you were seven and Edmund was eight, you two were announced to be engaged, though it was without your knowledge, as you’d never met one another, and we didn’t even tell Edmund about the agreement until very recently. As I was saying, as of earlier today, Edmund is now engaged to a young lady named Charlotte Jones. She’ll be stopping by tomorrow.” 

“That sounds exciting,” I cut in. “but, sir, if it’s alright, we could really use something to wear. Sarah has been complaining since we left Rhode Island about how filthy these clothes are. We need rest, too. We haven’t had any since before the hurricane that we passed at sea. We can tell you about our story in the morning.” 

“Yes, that’s quite alright. I’ll fetch my wife and she’ll prepare you for rest. Are you sure that you don’t need anything to eat? You look starved. 

Charles’ stomach growled. I glared at him and returned my gaze to Mr. Turner. “No, sir. We’re not hungry.” 

We went upstairs, got ready for bed, and separated, Sarah and me heading to one two-bedded room, and Philip and Charles going to another. “Good night” was all I said to Sarah before I lay down and fell asleep for the first time in over a week.

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