My book of little pieces of writing

Just some of my writing pieces, I promise it's gonna be fun. And it's suitable for all ages!!!

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Why students should choose their subjects (speech; muggle school)

Chapter 2

Students must be able to choose their subject. Their life, their future, their existence depend on it. Why should we stop them? Why can’t they learn what they choose? We can’t just let them hide in the shadows while they watch other children shine in the light, where people can see who they are. The children may look like they have no knowledge, and that they have a brain the size of a pea; they're as silly as thoughtless tigers. If we let them do so, they can learn, they can grow, they can glimmer in the light, they can show you they are. Imagine what talent you would be able to see, mathematicians, or actors, writers and philosophers. We are blind, and to open our eyes, this is the only way. Not only can they have freedom, but they can accomplish their dream. Visualise yourself as them, struggling with a subject that you have no idea about. Travel into their mind’s; are you enjoying it? All the authors out there, they studied. All the doctors out there, they studied. All the composers out there, they studied. Without a choice, these innocent children won’t be able to choose who they are and what they want to be. They’ll be forced into a career; the amount that they would enjoy is as light as a feather. Not allowing them to run free like a lion, means that your heart is of stone. Would you like to receive one of those pure gold hearts, this is your only chance. Knowledge is power and everyone needs it no matter what it takes. Life is a battlefield, but you can help them win the battle, guide them to the mountain of success and help them climb it. So what are you waiting for, let us embark on this journey!


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