First Year Charms Notes

There you go, your brand-new notes for Charms 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)

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Lesson 3) Wand Properties and Movements

Chapter 3

  • Wands focus magical power and are essential for most wizards.

  • Wandless magic is harder and takes longer to learn.

  • Wands choose their owners and can perform differently for each person.

  • Ash wands are good for defensive charms; Phoenix feather wands can be unpredictable.

  • Wands have parameters: length, flexibility, wood, and core.

  • Flexible wands adapt easily; rigid wands resist change.

  • Wands are made from a single type of wood, not multiple.

  • Core materials include unicorn hair, dragon heartstring, and phoenix feather.

  • Using multiple cores weakens or causes wand explosions.

  • Unicorn hair, dragon heartstring, and phoenix feather are the main wand cores.

  • Each core has unique properties and qualities.

  • Wand movements are crucial for spellcasting.

  • Different spells require different gestures.

  • The Mending Charm (Reparo) repairs non-magical items.

  • Visualize the fully repaired object and maintain the visualization.

  • The Unlocking Charm (Alohomora) unseals locks.

  • Use a backward S curve wand movement.

  • Visualize unlocking the lock.

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