First Year Potions Notes
written by Elizabeth Wonders
There you go, your brand-new notes for Potions 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)
Last Updated
Lesson 2) Where Are We? (Some Vocabulary and Theory)
Chapter 2
- A potion is a mixture of magical, mundane, and transitional ingredients
- A compound is formed by two or more atoms and consists of the same molecule repeated
- Water is an example of a compound, with the formula H₂O
- A mixture combines two or more compounds together
- A mixture can be heterogeneous (different parts visible) or homogeneous (parts not visible but can be separated)
- A potion is a mixture of compounds, where the individual parts can still be separated
- A solution is a type of mixture where a smaller amount of a substance (solute) spreads throughout a greater quantity of another substance (solvent)
- Examples of solutions include salt water and the Earth's atmosphere
- Phase transitions refer to changes between different states of matter
- Solids, liquids, and gases are the three main phases of matter
- Phase transitions occur when one phase changes to another due to a change in energy, typically heat
- Steam rising from a potion indicates a gaseous phase transition
- Heat and magic are catalysts for phase transitions in potions
- The order of adding ingredients and the brewing process are important for reactions to occur
- Understanding the fundamental theory of potions allows for manipulation, innovation, and new discoveries in magical technology