First Year Astronomy Notes

There you go, your brand-new notes for Astronomy 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)

Last Updated






Lesson 1) Introduction

Chapter 1

  • Astronomy is the study of the universe, including observing celestial bodies and deducing their chemical makeup

  • There are magical and Muggle approaches to astronomy, but they blend together in the study of the universe

  • The magical approach benefits from the understanding of magic, including astrology and its influence on people

  • Muggle astronomers excel in observational and theoretical astronomy, making most discoveries and proposing concepts

  • Magic interferes with Muggle technology, making wizards less proficient in observational astronomy

  • Wizards focus more on magic-based theories, but incorporate Muggle knowledge from non-magical astronomy publications

  • Magical astronomers excel in applied astronomy, as celestial events directly affect magical life on Earth

  • Astronomy connects various magical fields of study, encouraging interdisciplinary thinking and understanding of magic beyond Earth's atmosphere

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