First Year Defense Against the Dark Arts Notes
written by Elizabeth Wonders
There you go, your brand-new notes for DADA 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)
Last Updated
Lesson 1) Introduction to Defense Against the Dark Arts
Chapter 1
- The Dark Arts have always existed alongside light magic
- The Dark Arts include any magic with the intent to harm or kill
- Dark Arts encompass various branches, including potions and charms
- Those who seek power often dabble in the Dark Arts, but it corrupts them
- Lord Voldemort is an example of someone corrupted by the Dark Arts
- Voldemort worked to gain power from 1995-1998, with Death Eaters in the Ministry
- The Dark Arts cannot be completely defeated, only held back
- The Ministry categorizes Dark magic into spells, potions, creatures, artifacts, and practices
- Dark spells are categorized as jinxes, hexes, and curses
- The Unforgivable Curses are the darkest spells and their use leads to a lifetime in Azkaban
- The Wand-Lighting Charm is a simple spell that lights up the tip of the wand
- The Wand-Extinguishing Charm puts out the wand's light
- Proper pronunciation and wand movement are important for spellcasting