What Hogwarts house are you in?
A story where YOU choose what you want to do. Your choices determine what house you're in!
Last Updated
The Quiz
Chapter 1
1. A man dressed in a sleek black suit strolls along a cobbled alleyway. He doesn't notice as as his wallet drops out of his pocket... What do you do?
A). Calculate the probabilities of you getting caught if you keep the wallet.
B). Slip a few twenty pound notes into your pocket then return it to him.
C). Return his wallet, like the kind person you are.
D). Keep the wallet - he's a rich guy, he probably has a whole load more wallets. Anyway, you'll probably hand out the cash in the wallet to the poor like Robin Hood or something. Maybe.
E). You don't know what to do, so you eat a cupcake.
2. You begin to walk back home, satisfied with your choice. Suddenly, you see an old-fashioned thief running out from a bank with a sack of gallons. Somehow, he has managed to bypass the goblin security - he must be powerful. What do you do?
A). Something more strategic than the ones below.
B). Attack him with a spell. Bad guys deserve bad things.
C). Attack him with a spell, determined to bring the gallons back to the goblins. For justice!
D). Attack him with a spell, planning to take the gallons for yourself if you defeat him.
E). Scream and throw a cupcake at him.
3. You arrive back home, and flop into bed. What do you dream about?
A). I score top marks in all of my classes, and ace my OWLS!
B). I explore jungles and brave towering mountains, living the life of an adventurer!
C). I am god! I bring justice and peace, and I share my power with others!
D). I sit atop a thrown decorated with skulls and splattered with blood. I gaze upon burning buildings, and hear blood-curdling screams - hehehhahAHHAHAH! I am the ruler of this dystopian world!
E). Um... Something about... cupcakes, was it?
4. You awake to an odd, smoky scent. Your eyes pop open, and you realise your house is burning down! What do you save?
A). My school records and trophies.
B). I try to set the fire out and save everything, even though I know I could die.
C). I stay in the house and die with my possesions.
D). My money and gold!
E). My half eaten cupcake.
5. You leave your house (which is now just a pile of ash) and head off to work. When you arrive, your boss screams at you for being late - and having "weird black marks" on your shirt. What do you do?
A). Calmly explain that your house burnt down.
B). Later tell your co worker about your over-reacting boss.
C). Endure his screaming - you know you kind of deserve it.
D). Scream back.
E). Summon the power of the cupcake! And blast him into outer space!
6. What house do you want to be in?
A). Ravenclaw
B). Gryffindor
C). Hufflepuff
D). Slytherin
E). Is there a cupcake house?
7. How did you answer this quiz?
A). Wait, C and D are paradoxes? (see below)
B). It varied, really... But I'm pretty sure that I did it quite truthful.
C). Honestly, as I do for every quiz.
D). Untruthfully, to be truthful. I just picked what I thought would get me into the house I wanted. It's what everyone does!
E). I used my wisdom of cupcakes to guide me.