written by Rosalina Milanette
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2
As said in lesson 1, arithmancy takes names or dates and makes them into a number. Let's begin by reducing a birth-date to one number called a vibrational number.
A vibrational number is the most important number in arithmancy. It shows who you are as a person.
1. Take the day, month, and year and add it all up
For example Harry Potter: July 31, 1980 is 07, 31, 1980
2. Reduce the number until you get a single digit
3. Analyze the result
Harry Potter here has a vibrational number of 2. Really, anyone born on the same date has a vibrational number of 2. An important thing to remember is when starting something new, for instance having a wedding or a social gathering, is to have the event on a day with the same vibrational number. This will ensure happiness and success.
Birthdates and vibrational numbers are assigned a celestial body. Down below you will see a list of all the vibraitonal numbers, their astronomical body, and their meanings.
Meanings of Numbers
The number 1: The Sun (Agression, Action, Ambition)
One primarily deals with new beginnings, strong will and pure energy. Ones are independent, focused and determined individuals, who don't shy away from taking a leading role. They take action, start new ventures, and are ambitious. They can also be self-centered, egotistical and headstrong, and domineering.
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The number 2 - The Moon (Balance, Contrast, Opposite)
A two deals with balance and cooperation. It is the number of loyalty, commitment, harmony and tact. Twos are imaginative, creative, and fair individuals. They use communication and urge people out of indecisiveness, calling others to unite with like-minds and like-ideals. They can also be withdrawn, moody, and self-conscious.
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3 - Mars (Talent, Versatility, Joviality)
A three deals with magic, intuition and self expression. Threes are creative, easy-going and generally highly successful individuals. The number 3 is often associated with time (past, present, future), and well as wholeness (mind, body, spirit), which gives the number a certain metaphysical meaning. Number 3s can also be unfocused, easily offended and superficial.
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4 - Mercury (Stability, Solidity, Endurance)
A four is one of stability, and invokes one with a grounded nature in all things. There are 4 elements, 4 seasons, 4 directions, all things that nicely packaged in little squares. Fours enjoy hard work, are practical and are very organized individuals. They are reliable and prefer logic to flights of fancy. They can however be stubborn, suspicious and prone to angry outbursts.
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5 - Jupiter (Expansion, Adventure, Travel)
A five is one of instability and unpredictability. It suggests a change and chaos and a willingness to take risks and try different things. Fives are prepared to take action, to meet new people and to marvel at the wonders of the world. They can also be conceited, irresponsible, quick-tempered and impatient.
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6 - Venus (Tolerant, Dependable, Sincere)
A six is one of harmony and sincerity. It represents friendship and family life and individuals who are loyal, reliable and loving. People who are 6s are tactful, calm, and honest, and do well in teaching and the arts. They are however prone to gossip, and complacency.
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7 - Saturn (Mystery, Study, Knowledge)
Sevens are scholars, and thrive on intellectual challenges. They are imaginative and aware, and have a deep understanding of their world. Originality and imagination is often more important to them than material possessions. They are often serious, bright, and creative, but can also be pessimistic, sarcastic and insecure.
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8 - Uranus (Success, Opportunity, Strength)
An eight is the number of success. It deals with repetition, cycles and continuation, and it is often the number associated with business, wealth, and politics. It is the number of momentum, and as such 8s are practical, ambitious, committed, and hard working individuals. They can also be jealous, greedy, domineering and power-hungry.
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9 - Neptune (Universal Influence)
The number nine is the epitome of the vibrational numbers. It represents the attainment of satisfaction, accomplishment and success. It deals with intellectual power, inventiveness, influence over situations and things as well as the ability to make a positive influence over others. Nines are determined individuals who tend to work tirelessly towards their goals. They can however, be arrogant and conceited, especially when things don't go their way.
A vibrational number is the most important number in arithmancy. It shows who you are as a person.
1. Take the day, month, and year and add it all up
For example Harry Potter: July 31, 1980 is 07, 31, 1980
2. Reduce the number until you get a single digit
3. Analyze the result
Harry Potter here has a vibrational number of 2. Really, anyone born on the same date has a vibrational number of 2. An important thing to remember is when starting something new, for instance having a wedding or a social gathering, is to have the event on a day with the same vibrational number. This will ensure happiness and success.
Birthdates and vibrational numbers are assigned a celestial body. Down below you will see a list of all the vibraitonal numbers, their astronomical body, and their meanings.
Meanings of Numbers
The number 1: The Sun (Agression, Action, Ambition)
One primarily deals with new beginnings, strong will and pure energy. Ones are independent, focused and determined individuals, who don't shy away from taking a leading role. They take action, start new ventures, and are ambitious. They can also be self-centered, egotistical and headstrong, and domineering.
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The number 2 - The Moon (Balance, Contrast, Opposite)
A two deals with balance and cooperation. It is the number of loyalty, commitment, harmony and tact. Twos are imaginative, creative, and fair individuals. They use communication and urge people out of indecisiveness, calling others to unite with like-minds and like-ideals. They can also be withdrawn, moody, and self-conscious.
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3 - Mars (Talent, Versatility, Joviality)
A three deals with magic, intuition and self expression. Threes are creative, easy-going and generally highly successful individuals. The number 3 is often associated with time (past, present, future), and well as wholeness (mind, body, spirit), which gives the number a certain metaphysical meaning. Number 3s can also be unfocused, easily offended and superficial.
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4 - Mercury (Stability, Solidity, Endurance)
A four is one of stability, and invokes one with a grounded nature in all things. There are 4 elements, 4 seasons, 4 directions, all things that nicely packaged in little squares. Fours enjoy hard work, are practical and are very organized individuals. They are reliable and prefer logic to flights of fancy. They can however be stubborn, suspicious and prone to angry outbursts.
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5 - Jupiter (Expansion, Adventure, Travel)
A five is one of instability and unpredictability. It suggests a change and chaos and a willingness to take risks and try different things. Fives are prepared to take action, to meet new people and to marvel at the wonders of the world. They can also be conceited, irresponsible, quick-tempered and impatient.
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6 - Venus (Tolerant, Dependable, Sincere)
A six is one of harmony and sincerity. It represents friendship and family life and individuals who are loyal, reliable and loving. People who are 6s are tactful, calm, and honest, and do well in teaching and the arts. They are however prone to gossip, and complacency.
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7 - Saturn (Mystery, Study, Knowledge)
Sevens are scholars, and thrive on intellectual challenges. They are imaginative and aware, and have a deep understanding of their world. Originality and imagination is often more important to them than material possessions. They are often serious, bright, and creative, but can also be pessimistic, sarcastic and insecure.
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8 - Uranus (Success, Opportunity, Strength)
An eight is the number of success. It deals with repetition, cycles and continuation, and it is often the number associated with business, wealth, and politics. It is the number of momentum, and as such 8s are practical, ambitious, committed, and hard working individuals. They can also be jealous, greedy, domineering and power-hungry.
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9 - Neptune (Universal Influence)
The number nine is the epitome of the vibrational numbers. It represents the attainment of satisfaction, accomplishment and success. It deals with intellectual power, inventiveness, influence over situations and things as well as the ability to make a positive influence over others. Nines are determined individuals who tend to work tirelessly towards their goals. They can however, be arrogant and conceited, especially when things don't go their way.