Hi! My name is Audrey Sasha Vixen. I'm a pureblood who's just started her first year at Hogwarts. My favorite class is Care of Magical Creatures!
- Joined October 2020
- Member of Slytherin
- 156 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
I was sorted into Slytherin because I'm cunning and ambitious. I was not a hatstall, as it took a split second to decide my house. My favorite classes are DADA and Care of Magical Creatures. My least favorite is Potions. I am a pureblood but I guess I could be considered a "blood traitor". I am always expected to be rude to people below me, or to not care for them, but I love everyone, mudblood or not. My greatest strength is remembering spells. My greatest weakness is not being able to summon my patronus. When I graduate, I want to be one of the greatest witches of all time. I want to be a death eater as well. I want to use my magic to further up my own ends, rather than help strangers. Most people might think it's a bad idea, but I really want to be a death eater. I have a snowy owl, her name is Lucia. She's a very odd owl. She is very independent and will not listen to people other than me. She will not deliver other people's letters.
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