Mia Artemis Fortescue


New here, waiting for magic, new amazing friends, knowledge and adventures. Feel free to owl me. ♥

  • Joined October 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 42 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Slovakia


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Hi! My name is Mia Artemis Fortescue and I become from old wizard family. I am one of 3 children of my lovely parents - Modesty Whitacker and Corvin Fortescue, they both work now for ministry of magic - mom is secretary of minister of Department of International Magical Cooperation and dad cooperate with International Confederation of Wizards there on the same department. My brother Malcolme already finished Hogwarts and now he is working on Department of Mysteries but he cant tell us what he is really doing. My younger sister is Lilianne and she will join me on Hogwarts soon. My uncle had ice cream parlour in Diagon alley, but unfortunetly he died in second wizarding war. I am grand grand grand grand...doughter of Dexter Fortescue - he was made Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in an unknown time period, certainly sometime after the early 18th century.After his death, his portrait was hung at the Headmaster's office, in order to offer advice to the current Head. I wont take your time by talking more about my family :-)

I will write more about myself soon ♥

What Hogwarts House were you sorted into, and why did the Sorting Hat make that selection? Were you a hatstall (where it took the Sorting Hat a long time to decide) or was the decision immediate? What classes do (or did) you like the most? Which did you like the least? Any classes you did well in but didn’t particularly enjoy? Are you a muggleborn, a half-blood or pureblood? How has your blood status affected your life in the Wizarding World? If you were in the UK during either time He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named rose to power, what was that like? What is your greatest strength? More importantly, what is your greatest weakness? What are you looking to do after you finish school? If you’ve graduated, have you found your dream job? What do you feel is the most fascinating aspect of magic? Do you want to use magic to help others, or to further your own ends? If you are being honest with yourself, what do you really want? Do you have any pets? What’s their name, and how do they act? Is there anything interesting about your family? Any oddities or disagreements?
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