Franky Bow

Student, Intern

hi! you can call me franky, or fran bow! yes! like the video game fran bow! insta: franbowshogwarts

  • Joined November 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 431 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Name : Franky Bow
- Witch and Metamorphmagus
- Intern at The PotterMonster Magazine
- Aspiring wandmaker
Birthday : October 31st
House : Ravenclaw
Pet : A Tiny Black Kitten
Patronus : Blackbird
Wand : Elder wood, dragon heartstring core, 9 ½" and unyielding flexibility

I grew up in an adopted household, out of four children including me, I was the only one adopted and was the oldest, and my younger sisters varied in age. I never knew my biological family and I don't know a single thing about me before Foster Care, which I was put into at the age of three. I was adopted by the Bow family at age six and I feel like an outsider. I struggle with the concept of family even though the Bow family has been nothing but kind to me. It's hard because I feel like I'm missing an entire past unlike anyone else in my household. I grew up in an upper-middle-class household and did all the typical things a child does. Go to school, on Fridays we went to the Synagogue for services and then Hebrew school the next day. I didn't have a hard life necessarily, which makes me confused about why I struggle so much mentally and why I keep living in the past as I do. My family tells me if I keep living in the past, then I'll never live a proper future. I just can't believe I'm the only kid in the world who wants to know what their roots are.

When I finally got my letter from Hogwarts, the first thing I felt was confusion and then excitement followed. For my whole life, I thought I was a muggle kid who wouldn't amount to anything. I then felt like this acceptance letter was the link to my past that I've always been looking for. I was told I have a scholarship to Hogwarts and everything, which Hogwarts says was put in place by my parents. They didn't leave me anything else but that and the Headmistress wanted to respect my parents' wishes by keeping their identity a secret. I was never told why. I was filled with confusion at that point. As soon as my adopted parents heard all of this and their questions were answered they gave me permission to go. I asked them before heading off if they knew anything about my parents and all they did was look at one another and then back at me and shake their heads. I knew they did at that point. I have now made it my mission to find the answers I want and that's knowing where I come from. I believe Hogwarts can help me find that.

When I arrived in the wizarding world for the first time I bought my clothes, books, suitcase, everything. I then rode the train to Hogwarts alone and the sorting ceremony began. I was pretty sure I was going to get Slytherin, I don't know why, I just seemed to have a Slytherin attitude. Ravenclaw was too responsible for me, Gryffindor seemed too popular to me and Hufflepuff just didn't seem to fit me at all. Once the hat was on, I was sorted into Ravenclaw. I was stunned, to say the least. When I walked over to the Ravenclaw dinner table and ate alone, I began planning what I should do to find the answers I need. What also troubled me was how am I supposed to live up to the name that is Ravenclaw? I could barely even get a 70 in all my classes back in the Muggle world!
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