- Joined April 2021
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 832 House Points
- 2nd Year
United Kingdom
Before I got my Hogwarts letter, I had no idea I why strange things kept happing around me because I am Muggle born. I always believed in magic and hoped I was, so when a witch came to my house and said I was magic, I believed them almost straight away. I was really excited to go to Hogwarts ;the sorting hat nearly chose ravenclaw for me but I got Hufflepuff. I love dragons and Luna lovegood so I'm called Luna dragon and when I finish going to Hogwarts I want to be a dragonologist! My favourite subjects are herbology and transfiguration. My favourite Muggle subject is science, but I like all of them. I also love reading. Even before I came to Hogwarts, I was top of the class (hence I was nearly in ravenclaw). I also always loved learning.
Grades for year 1:
Herbology - 89% E
Transfiguration- 92% O
DADA- 86 E
Charms- 85% E
HOM- 71% A
Potions 81% E
Astronomy - 65% P - in progress, on lesson 6
Flying - 85% E
House points - 705
2nd year:
Charms -not started
Transfiguration- 94% O in progress on lesson 7
Potions-not started
Herbology-not started
HOM- not started
DADA - not started
Astronomy - not started
Alchemy- not started
Ancient Runes - not started
COMC - 90% O - in progress on lesson 6
Divination - not started
House points - 823
If anyone wants help with any subject that I've done then I'd be happy to help.