Keefe <3


  • Joined June 2021
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • France


So: I am genderfluid, pan, polyamorous, and my name is Ray and I'm 13 and yeah I love art and anime and stuff if you see my profile photo its sadly not what I look like but what I wish I would look like... If anyone sees this account and has similar interests well I would love to get to know you and stuff... I speak English, German, a bit of French and Spanish. If you don't think you can deal with me as a friend because of mental health and me being very unstable that's also okay! My Fandoms are: Danganronpa, HP, Doctor Who, anime in general like (Haykiuu, My Hero Academia, Death Note, Attack on titan) My OCs OC #1 Name - Finn Attracted too - Boys Personality - Kind, gets absolutely no sleep at all, single pringle, loves anime Sexuality: Gay Gender: Fem boy Pronouns: He/They OC #2 Name - Harper OC #3 Name: Chihiro Age: 13 Hair Colour: Honey blonde with a few strands of pastel colours that Harper and Robin chose Eye Colour: Ocean blue Personality: Artist, very smart, paranoid, claustrophobic, Cottagecore Ash’s younger sister, obsessed with musicals Sexuality: Bi, only out to Hester and Ash Gender: Girl Pronouns: She/Her OC #4 Name: Ash Age: 15 Hair Colour: Ginger Eye Colour: Liz Personality: Always tries to be as kind as possible, has panic attacks a lot, claustrophobic. Sexuality: Pan Gender: Genderfluid Pronouns: :) OC #5 Name - Penny Age:10 Hair Colour: Black Eye colour: Blue Personality: scared little girl (for now) Sexuality Doesn't know yet Gender: girl Pronouns: she/her for now OC #6 Name: Robin Age: 11 Hair Colour: Red Eye Colour: BLUE Personality: still developing Sexuality: Ace Gender: Ftm Pronouns: He/Him OC #7 Name - Maple Age: 16 Hair Colour: Bure Blonde Eye Colour: Emerald Green Personality: Has dissociative identity disorder Sexuality: Gay, Gender: Fem boy Pronouns: He/they OC #8 Name: Cen Age: 14 Hair Color: Pink Eye color: brown Personality: Shy, Mysterious, Recovering from anorexia after she came out as trans she was kicked out Sexuality: Trans Gender: Mtf Pronouns: She/Her


Im testing names at the moment so if you see my name change that is why...

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