Minnie and Jaxx Malfoy

"Don't threaten Us."

"Mess with one don't worry the other isn't that far behind the other so watch your back." Minnie and Jaxx Malfoy

  • Joined May 2022
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States




Hello and welcome please call us Min and Jax when talking with us instead of our full name to make it easier. Please and Thank you.



Our Aesthetic.



Minnie Malfoy

Hello I’m Minnie Malfoy and I’m The eldest twin out of us and I love music drawing and just relaxing during my free time and also hanging out with Jaxx.


Jaxx Malfoy

Hello!! I’m Jaxx Malfoy the youngest twin out of us even though were the same age I’m only younger by a few seconds and me and Minnie love drawing together as we listen to classical music [only sometimes] but we love listening to muggle music since it’s more interesting I’d say so.


Our Family

Papa[Minnie calls him that and I call him Dada] Draco Malfoy

Dada [I call him that Minnie] [I call him Papa Jax]George Weasley

Yes we both call them Dada and Papa but it's the reverse for them for the both of us.


Gramps: Arthur Weasley

Grammy: Molly Weasley

Auntie: Ginny Weasley

Grandma: Narcissa Malfoy

Auntie: Bellatrix Lestrange

Uncle: Bill Weasley

Uncle: Fred Weasley

Uncle: Ron Weasley[ Minnie likes to call him furball]

Godfather: Harry Potter

Godmother: Hermione Granger




That’s all you need to know about us as we are very private people and we only open up to those we really trust so please be kind to us or will Avada Kedavra you.


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