- Joined July 2022
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 1410 House Points
- 2nd Year
Average Grades (first year classes):
Astronomy: 97%
Charms: 99%
DADA: 97%
Flying: 92%
Herbology: 95%
History of Magic: 91%
Potions: 96%
Transfiguration: 93%
Wand properties:
Wood: Larch wood
Core: Unicorn hair
Length: 14.5 inches
Flexibility: Quite bendy
I am a muggleborn who has had a love for magic since long before I found out it truly existed. One of my older brothers is a wizard in Gryffindor, so getting my letter wasn't too surprising. Being the second youngest of six siblings, finding ways to belong whilst being independent and individual has always been a struggle, getting into Hogwarts has helped with that.
Upon my arrival to Hogwarts, the hat spent a while deciding whether I was a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff, but in the end my sense of justice and loyalty got me placed in the house of the badgers. Despite being in a different house to my brother, we have become closer since I started at Hogwarts.
Even though I was most looking forward to Astronomy classes when coming to Hogwarts, I soon discovered like all my classes. Almost all of them have a few lessons I do not enjoy as well as lessons I adore. I love muggle science as well, so I particularly love lessons where I get to learn how magic and muggle science intertwine.