Clarissa Riddle

Lady Nathaira《The New Dark Lord》

You're a Slytherin. You can't stand weakness. You have to beat them all so keep studying. Win because you don't know how to lose. 🐍

  • Joined June 2023
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 97 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Time zone: Eastern/ New York US

There is no good and evil. Only power and those too weak to see it" - The Dark Lord

"You want battle? I'll give you war."

"We play to win."

"Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty."

"What doesn't kill me better run."

"She's no angel."

"Don't mess with me cause I'm the Slytherin Queen."

"I do it because I can, I can because I want to. I want to because you said I couldn't."

"If you are my friend or ally, I'll stick up for you no matter what. If you are my enemy, I'll make sure I win against you no matter what."

"You haven't even seen my bad side yet."

"A monster isn't born, it's made"


I am Clarissa-Kate Riddle a half-blood witch (the other half is vampire). My fellow Death Eaters call me Lady Nathaira while everyone else calls me either Lady Nathaira or Nathaira. The professors can call me Miss Riddle. Only my closer friends or family call me Clary, Clarissa, CK, or Miss Riddle. I am the daughter of Nagini and Voldemort (the Dark Lord). Yes, Nagini is a Guant, but she practically is not realated to Voldemort because of her ancestors and family tree. My godfather was supposed to be Severus Snape, but sadly he died. I am a proud Slytherin and Death Eater. When I was called to have the hat put on me, just as soon as the professor was done saying my name, the hat instantly shouted Slytherin. Just like most Slytherins, I strongly hate Gryffindors, Filthy Mudbloods, and anyone related to a Potter or someone in the Order. One thing to know about me is that you should never stand in my way. I mastered the Unforgivable Curses when I was 6. I even got the Dark Mark as soon as I was born. My life is a bit chaotic. I was born in the United States of America, which is where I grew up most of my life. This was mainly because that's where my mom is from. My dad died before I was born because of saint Harry Potter. Even though Longbottom killed my mom, she is still alive because she was a horcruxe. My dad found a cure for my mom so she can be human again. Though we speak parseltongue around the house. At a young age, I was bit by a vampire. Therefore, I will occasionally eat meat and drink blood. Though I will stop aging when I turn 17.  When I turned 11, I got my Hogwarts letter. We then moved too England, where we stayed with the Malfoys. But as soon as school started, we moved into The Riddle House ( in Little Hangleton). When I attended Muggle school, everyone made fun of the snake scales on my face and on my wrist. But at Hogwarts, I was a legend. Many people swore loyalty to me, well only Slytherins swore me their loyalty. I guess being part snake makes you the queen. The rest of the kids feared me like they should. 

Best Friends: 

~ Christine Malfoy




Little bit about me: 

Appearance: wavy black hair, slightly darker than peach colored skin, grey colored eyes (normal color), 5'2 without shoes, plain black waist cut shirt, dark blue ripped jeans shorts, plain white Nike Air Force 1 shoes (sometimes I will wear a black dress with black boots or I will wear my Slytherin uniform), when not hidden, I have snake scales on my face and wrist, and I have the Dark Mark on my left forearm :)

Wand: Holly, Phoenix Feather, 12 1/2 in, Unbending Flexibility 

Patronus: Dragon

Languages: Parseltounge, English, bit of French Canadien, Korean 

Astrology/Zodiac Sign: Capricorn 

Amortia: Freshly Baked Bread, Blood, New Parchment, Maple Syrup, and Old Books

Mirror of Erised: power

Personality type: ENTJ

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn 

Animagus: Big Green Snake

House Elves Name: Opal and Moonlight

Vampire Eye Color: Red and Yellow

Vampire Power: Dark Energy 

Traits: Ambitious, Determined, Very Intelligent, Loyal, Trustworthy, Cunning, Stubborn 

Fav Spell: Unforgivable Curses

Friends: All Death Eaters 

Fav Professor: Snape and Umbridge

Fav Studies: The Dark Arts, Potions and DADA

Fav Music Group: BLACKPINK

Fav Hockey Team: The Habs (The Montreal Canadiens)

Least Fav Professor: Dumbledore, Hagrid, Lockhart and Lupin

Least Fav People: Potters, Blood Traitors and Filthy Mudbloods

Quidditch Position: Chaser

Broom: Firebolt

Talents: Occumlency, Legimency, Dueling Champion and a Parselmouth 

Boggart: My corpse 

Hobbies: Sports (track and field, cross country,  basketball), I'll do some theater, playing and listening to music, torturing those filthy mudbloods (they all deserve it)

*I do not role-play*

Songs to Describe Me:

Unstoppable - Sia

Confident -Demi Lovato 

Queen of Mean -Sarah Jeffrey 

Solo -Jennie

MONEY -Lalisa

Pretty Savage -BLACKPINK 


Pink Venom -BLACKPINK 



Untouchable -ITZY

나쁜년 -Bibi

Demons - Imagine Dragons

Unforgiven- Le Sserafim 

Wonderland- AleXa

Look What You Made Me Do- Talyor Swift 

Titanium- Sia ft David Guetta

Centuries and Light em Up- Fall Out Boy

Heathens- 21 Pilots 

Not Afraid- Eminem 

Kings and Queens and Sweet but Psycho- Ava Max

10 Things I Hate About You- Leah Kate 


Bloody Mary- Lady Gaga

Castle- Halsey 

Harley Quinn// You Don't Own Me (Suicide Squad)

You Should See Me In A Crown- Billie Eilish

Blood // Water- grandson

Witchblades- Lil Peep x Lil Tracy 

Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana 

Black Widow- Iggy Azalea ft Rita Ora 


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