Lithiuna Malorram


Vodoo Vessel Learning New World Magic Tricks

  • Joined April 2014
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 8 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Name: Lithiuna Rosemary Malorram (Lithy. Her parents call her Una.) Age: 15 Gender: F Hometown: 621-4B Southway Hold, Providence; Port au Prince, Haiti Place of Residence: 6142 The Caretaker Building, 5th Avenue; New York, New York; USA Parents(s): Ullgen & Seganna Malorram (Houngan and High Mambo of Petro Vodoo) Blood Status: Pure Blood Birthday: August 24th, 2037 - Virgo House: Ravenclaw Transfer Student. Personality: Modest and shy, meticulous and reliable, practical and diligent, intelligent and analytical. Fussy and a worrier, overcritical and harsh, perfectionist and conservative. But, the inner Loas within her tend to twist such a shy young lady into something of a beast. Strong and determined, bold and outspoken, strong-willed and hard-headed; yet, still intelligent and analytical. Normally, she’s a regular, timid little creature, uncertain of herself, especially after she learned about the possibility of her possessing any magical or Vodoo abilities. Her parents weren’t sure themselves but felt that placing her in Hogwarts might just awaken something within her that they can’t even detect. Hopefully, their only daughter holds talents they can be proud of. ***********

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