Rae Katana


  • Joined July 2014
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


Rae was born into a new line of witches and wizards. Annabel, her mother, was born to muggle parents. Giles, her father, was born of pure-blood. After being in the top of her classes growing up, Annabel now works for the Ministry in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, specializing in detection of misuse of muggle artifacts. Her father, always the jokester growing up, won over her mothers heart (a seemingly unbeatable challenge) at the ripe young age of eighteen, in their final year at Hogwarts. These days he works as an editor for the Daily Prophet.

Her mother is from Barnton in Cheshire, though when her and Giles married they decided it would be best to live in a bigger city so they could both explore their careers. They've lived in London for nearly twenty years now, only having a child after they were comfortable in their jobs and their cozy townhouse.

As an only child, Rae grew up around adults, and therefore tends to be more mature than others of her age. She always focused on her studies, and spent much time at her parents' jobs, helping out where she could. Ultimately, the most exciting day of her childhood was when she received her Hogwarts letter on her eleventh birthday. The magical world was not new to her, having grown up in a house with two magical parents, though she did attend primary school with muggles, as her parents wanted to encourage her social skills and make friends her own age.

Her first showing of magic occurred on a subway train on her way home from school. Some boys were teasing her, as they usually did, about what she was reading. She had a habit, even though her parents told her not to, to bring their books of magical history to school. She loved reading, and these topics were fascinating. She was able to disguise the books if anyone took them from her, so they couldn't be read. But this one particular day she was so absorbed in her reading that she didn't realize some of her fellow students were watching her. The boys surrounded her seat and grabbed the book out of her hands, and started tearing the pages out, "What is this junk?" they said. Her anger flared, and a burst of energy erupted from her, sending them all tumbling. Stunned by her own force, she pulled the book from their hands and ran out of the station, through the gathering crowd. She was only nine at the time, but her parents never had to find out - she made a pact to herself to never let her emotions get out of control again.

Through her first three years at Hogwarts, Rae slowly bloomed into the young woman that she is now. It took her a while to realize that the other children were safe to talk to about the things she'd had to hide from her classmates growing up. It is only really now, in her fourth year at Hogwarts, that she is comfortable making friends. Her grades were always in the top of the class, and she spent extra time tutoring other students. She could often be found chatting with a teacher or with her face in a book in the library. Though she didn't have many friends, she was often sought out as the go-to-gal for people with problems. She was always there to listen to people's concerns and would do what she could to help. Growing up, she always knew that her place in this world was to help others, and though she was sorted into Ravenclaw, it was a close call that she could have been in Hufflepuff. She knows, though, that it is only through knowledge and experience that one can truly find the answers to problems.

Rae knows she wants to do great things with her life, and was inspired by her time at the Ministry and Daily Prophet offices to learn a wide range of skills and topics so all the doors for her future would be open. She suspects that something dark is out there, growing and feeding on the lonely souls of the wizarding world. She fears what will come, but knows that time is limited and time spent learning and becoming comfortable with spellcasting is time not wasted.

Overall, Rae is hardworking, determined, and very intelligent. She has a kind heart, and a calm mind. Hopefully, this combination will allow her to become a great wizard. With an interest in all things eccentric, getting to know her can seem challenging at times, but once the walls are down she makes a very strong, loyal and thoughtful friend. Secretly, she has a yearning for true love like her parents have. Their relationship taught her that one must truly know themselves before loving another, but once you find someone you can trust, love is ever evolving and it will change you for the better. One day, she hopes to find this, but for now she focuses her time on her studies, always trying to solve some riddle or other. Rae has a strong fondness for nature, so if she's not in the library tutoring she's probably outside somewhere, reading a book or taking a stroll.
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