Reii the Invisible

Slytherin Ghost

  • Joined August 2014
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Singapore


I was a student in the great house of Slytherin... From a respectable pure-blood family, I was naturally one of the more popular students in school. Model student, house prefect subsequently head girl and an enthusiastic chaser in our Quidditch team. Having a mother who was great at potions, I would say I inherited her genes well. Charms, transfiguration and ancient runes are a few of my favorite subjects. My father believes my good networking skills would benefit me when I join him in the ministry but frankly I would much rather be a curse breaker. That is if I hadn't died in my seventh year... One more year to freedom and yet I died on one of the staircase with a vanishing step. During my roam around the school one night, I fell and caught both my legs and arms in one of the vanishing step on the staircase and with my invisibility cloak still on. I was left there the whole of the holidays and they never found my body. People still bump into and trip over my body on the staircase till this day never really knowing what is really there...haha. Well, I now live in Hogwarts as Slyterin's ghost and enjoy scaring students from the other houses as despite the stupidity of my death, I still retain my invisibility cloak in the afterlife. I also like to use the cloak to sneak into classrooms for lessons, being a ghost never deter my thirst for knowledge and love for learning..... Look out I am watching you read this ....BOOO!

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