[No Name]


  • Joined October 2014
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


On that faithful day when I was 11 years old, I had no idea the possibilities that awaited me when I got my Hogwarts letter. My twin brother and I were shocked and thrilled when we opened them like kids on Christmas morning. We were descended from a long line of witches and wizards, and a direct relation of Founder Rowena Ravenclaw herself. We had big shoes to fill, but the two of us saw that we had the ability to do whatever our goals set us to do. When we got our letters,we had just moved back home from India. We suffered much, but knowing that we were going to a place that would feel like home made us better about ourselves, and as individuals.

Once at Hogwarts, however, we were separated for the fist time. Our father who was a former Gryffindor, thought we would be in the same house since we were twins. But that was not the case. My brother for all intents and purposes was and still is the epitome of the Gryffindor house. It was no surprise that he got sorted there when we arrived. Within that house he excelled and became one of Hogwarts best Chasers on the Quidditch team and then went on to be a professional. Afterwards, he joined Ministry Taskforce and still works for that job today which he loves. As for me on that fateful day, the sorting hat had a hard time with me. It was the first of many hat stalls that year, which is why it took the hat 15 minutes before it settled on a house for myself. I had vast knowledge and sought to learn everything i could. But on the other hand, I am also resourceful, determined and ambitious. I am the type who strives to finish their goals no matter what the cost. So maybe that's why the hat decided on Slytherin rather than Ravenclaw. And I excelled. From the first moment I had my first class, I knew that Hogwarts was the place to call home. The only class I was not so good in was Herbology, but I excelled everywhere else, and ended up as Head Girl by the time I reached my seventh year. I was the chaser for the quidditch team and the first girl to ever make it on the Slytherin team. When I left Hogwarts I started out as a healer in training, but then found my calling when I applied to be an Auror and it was accepted. So here we are now. My first year as an Auror in training. My story is just beginning. What I will accomplish I don't know, but I am eager to see where this journey takes me.
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