
  • Joined November 2016
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Nepal


T is just an ordinary witch, what makes her different is that she is one of the very few who managed to escape the Nepali witch trials of the 1950's.

She, of course, didn't know she was a witch, she just knew she could do strange things. Like pushing herself up on air, for example, or sometimes giving wedgies to the mean old man who liked to shout at kids. She had no idea she was the only one among her friends who could do this, she just thought it happened to everybody but it was one of 'those' things you didn't talk about.

Then, one day, there was a public ceremony of degrading a woman accused of being a witch to eating human faeces. The woman's accusations were led out loud and Tsedonla found that her 'abilities' and the woman's accusations were similar, some were exactly the same. Tsedonla found out she was a witch. As soon as the things clicked in her mind an elderly lady held her by the wrist and pulled her away from the crowd, she tried protesting but everyone was too indulged in the trial. She was pulled into a small, dark hut and told,"You're a witch."

The lady had turned out to be more special than her with a very rare ability of reading minds, the lady was a legilimens, her name was Sundari Sunstein and turned out to be forming a growing group of women, witches, who had planned to seek refuge in another country. T was 14 at the time and an only girl child of a family of 6, she was also the least loved child (mainly because she possessed of a vagina). T wasn't one to trust strangers easily but she wasn't gonna let go of any opportunity to escape from the hateful environment which was the only home she'd ever known.

T had four brothers all who were off living with their cousins in the city to have access to better education while she herself studied at the local village school and had to help out on the fields. She only got to wear her brothers' old hand-me-downs, although they rarely fit her, and had to face the beatings of her father when the harvest was tough. None of the villagers liked her family, as her brothers were brats, and tended to stay away from her.

Four days later, T was all packed and ready to leave for the journey with Sundari Boju (means grandma in Nepali). She had one backpack (the only one she had, her school backpack) which was packed with all of her underwear, her oldest brother's old jacket (which was the only warm thing she had), two pairs of jeans, around 5 or 6 worn t-shirts that were originally white but through the years turned yellow-ish, and a toothbrush. That's all she needed and that was all she was taking.

As she waited for the rest of the 'eloping' crew to be done with their goodbyes she realized how lonely she was. Between school and chores, she never really had time to make friends and honestly no one seemed worth the time. All the kids in her class were robots who did anything their parents asked them to, but if we're being frank, so was she. Until now.


After crossing the border and entering India, the old rattly bus went straight into the UNHCR. They were there to be interviewed.

T being the only underaged girl there she didn't have to be sent to a refugee centre but an orphanage. She was only interviewed on which country would be best for her. She was quite fluent in English, so the workers figured no better place than England.


The other ladies were safely migrated to America.

Sundari Sunstein soon changed her last name to Goldstein as sun was nepali for gold. She soon gave birth to two children Tina and Queenie.


T was safely housed in an orphanage, soon after arriving she got her Hogwarts letter from Minerva McGonagall herself.

It was the Marauders' Era, but it couldn't be worse than what she escaped from.

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