Bridget Gaynor

Library studies student

Hi my name is Bridget Gaynor I'm in the Hufflepuff House and hope to publish a book one day.

  • Joined November 2016
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 43 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


I'm a muggleborn and the youngest in family however I do have a distant aunt my Mother wouldn't talk about her often it wasn't until I opened the door and saw my distant Aunt she explained to me why I was doing strange things, my parents weren't thrilled when they found out I was witch I decided to live with my Aunt in England. Like my Aunt she loves books and showed me The Tales of Beedle the Bard I've loved it ever since however I'll always love my muggle books I hope when my book gets published it will be popular in the Wizarding and Muggle world. Did I mention I love writing, during my sorting I asked the sorting hat to put me in Ravenclaw but he told me I'm a Hufflepuff through and through it wasn't until I looked up Hufflepuff in Hogwarts A History I loved it more and I wanted to prove to the other houses Hufflepuffs aren't a bunch of duffers.. I spent my time in the Library helping Madam Prince she recommended to think of working in a Library as a career path when I got to fifth year. I told my Head of House in fifth year about working in the Library she showed me all the things library people do. My Aunt recommended I try learning in the muggleworld about Libraries after doing the first cert which took 6 months I deciced to do my next cert. Since graduating from my muggleworld studies and Hogwarts I've decided to do my Library course in the muggleworld so I can work in the muggleworld and Wizarding world as a library assistant.

During my time at Hogwarts I kept up with my muggle studies as back up just in case my career in the wizarding world didn't work out and I can experience the wizarding world and the muggleworld.
After I gradurated from Hogwarts I moved back to Australia I missed the hot weather my parents have now liked my magic I told them about Hogwarts and I let them borrow my books from school. I still go back to England to visit my Aunt but I still live in Australia.
I like Quidditch however I'm scared of heights so you won't see me on a broom I do support the Holyhead Harpies.

I forgot to mention I'm a gamer but more a Handheld gamer I bought my Nintendo DS Lite to Hogwarts to my relief it worked. Despite hearing wizarding music I'm more into muggle music my favourites are INXS, Savage Garden, Judy Garlard, So Fresh CD's (Aussies will know what So Fresh CD's are).

I love reading like I mentioned before my fave story from The Tales of Beedle The Bard is The Fountain of Fair Fortunre and my fave muggle book is The Road to Paradise Island by Victoria Holt.

Now onto My Pottermore details
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Patronus: Osprey
Wand: Laurel Wood with Unicorn hair 10 3/4 inches
Ilvermorny House: Wampus
My dream: Have my book published
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