- Joined January 2017
- Member of Slytherin
- 19 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Being the only Slytherin in a family full of snake-hating Gryffindors... really sucks. One my letter came in my family were ecstatic to know that I would be attending the best wizarding school in the world! So when I was given my letter my mum and I traveled via floo-powder to get my supplies,it was honestly quite overwhelming. But getting my wand and companion of choice was very exciting, my wand is made of Beech wood with a dragon heartstring core 12 3/4" with reasonably supple flexibility, and my furry companion I chose was a full black cat whom I've named Twilight because of his deep blue eyes that sparkle in the light. Now, my sorting was a little more impractical, my gryffindor family were very sure that I would get sorted into gryffindor with my go to attitude and courageous personality,but once they heard of my sorting into slytherin, I was suddenly the outsider of my family. I got dirty looks from the elders in my family and got scared looks from the younger members of the family. I felt very alone whenever I went back home but it doesn't matter, they're going to have to deal with it anyway, they can be angry at me all they like but I have places to be and people to see if I want to succeed in life.
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