Tilly Weasley

A first year

  • Joined January 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 70 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


I am a Powerful wizard who can do magic with my hands and my wand, I dabble in all of the professions of Wizardry. I was adopted by the Weasley family from an orphanage in Luxenburg. I am very shy and have few friends. My closest friends are Emersen Fitch, Faith Woods, and Teresa Agnes. I am a gryffindor and I love qudditch! My favorite colors are basically all of them but I love Lavender. I love to sing and on warm afternoons I love to use the bubble charm and swim with the mermaids in the lake. One of my favorite spots at Hogwarts is a beutiful enchanted tree. Its a mix of a cherry tree, apple tree, orange tree, and almond tree the fruit grows all year long and the ground stays warm and dry. I love to sit in the branches whatch the stars and read a good book.
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