Willow Wanderwell

Student and Hufflepuff Beater

Hello I'm Willow ,I'm just a small Hufflepuff girl trying to make a difference in the world.

  • Joined January 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 53 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Name: Willow Wanderwell

Blood status: Pureblood

Wand: Phoenix feather core (welled suited for independent people and has a wide range of magic), Chestnut wood (most curious wand wood. Favors witches and wizards with skill in taming Magical Beast and in Herbology), and 11 inches in length (because Willow is pretty short for her age)

Hair: brownish and blackish

Eyes: dark brown

House: Hufflepuff

Quiddtich postion: Willow might look small but don't mess with her when it comes to Quiddtich she loves the sport and is really good at it she plays Beater for the Hufflepuff Quiddtich team and is the Vice Captain
( offical Hufflepuff Quiddtich team link here http://www.hogwartsishere.com/groups/3399/ )

Pet: orange and white tabby cat name Chester short for Sylvester

Patronus: Thestral ( I promise I am not trying to be OP just what I got on pottermore :D )

Future dreams: Willow hopes to be a PA for Care Of Magical Creatures In her 5th year and wants to become a magizoologist.

Willow is from London and has been excited to go to hogwarts even sense her older sister Cherry got her letter. Her older sister is a Ravenclaw and is in her 7th year right now. Willows family is pretty diverse in houses so even though her mom and sister were/are Ravenclaws that does not make her one.

Willow has a witch mom and a wizard dad. Her father was in Slytherin. And her mother and sister were/are in Ravenclaw.

Willow will also be the first Magizoologist in her family as most of her family were/are Aurors.

Family history:
Willow is very distantly related to the famous author Newt Scamander. Her great-grandmother Inme ( I-na-me) was Newt Scamanders Sister. Inme married a man named Julius Orilan (Or-land) and together they had a son named Orion. Orion married a women named Lovelle ( Love-el) and they had a daughter names Bliss, who still had the surname Orilan. Bliss met a Wizard named Nester Wanderwell. Bliss and Nester had two daughters named Cherry and Willow. Nestor is an Auror ,and Bliss is the head of the Department of Mysteries. Cherry ,Williow's older sister, Is an inspiring healer at St. Mungo. Willow is still in school. Also Nestor, Willow's father, is a very and I mean very distant relative of Rowena Ravenclaw.
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