Cedar wood with a dragon heartstring core 12 ½" reasonably supple flexibility- Horned Serpent- Sorry if I am ever rude in rp It is just how Adonis is.
- Joined April 2017
- Member of Slytherin
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
<blue> Backstory </blue>
Adonis was an elven boy of whom has had a grave childhood. He was the prince of a kingdom, loved by all of his subjects, and especially his mother. Adonis' mother was of the royal lineage, and his father had married into it. His father was an evil man, fueled by hatred and greed. He wanted the crown to himself, and had ordered for the boys mother to be killed. When Adonis' mother was murdered, the boys father had beat him regularly, tainting his heart and shaping him into a heartless shell of a being. On the day of Adonis' 19th year, he was crowned king of Terre Elfique, and on that same day he slaughtered his father without a second thought, in the name of his mother. During his court sessions, he had heard of the Hogwarts School of Wizardry. It had peaked his interest. He left his kingdom in the hands of his royal adviser, and journeyed to Hogwarts with his pet Cerberus Lorethan, and now temporarily resides there. Nobody knows all of the young king's secrets besides Sebastian, his childhood tutor. Adonis is many things, but kind to strangers is not one of them. He is most likely to be found hanging around with Jinx.
Name: Adonis Azmaveth
Age: 19
Species: Elf
Hair: white
Eyes: Pale blue/greyish
Height: 6'8 feet
Siblings: none
Boyfriend: Jinx
Pet: Lorethan the Cerberus
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/L3wKzyIN1yk?autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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