Barbara-Jean Quinn


Gryffindor ☆ 1st year ☆patronus: sparrowhawk

  • Joined April 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 167 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Poland


I was very confused when I got my letter. I'm from poor family. We live together in small town in Wales. I have two sisters: Jodie and Kelly. I have my name after my grandmums. My mum is a squib and dad is a muggle. They never told me about wizarding world. I was angry at first but the happiness accompanying this news was stronger. My first day at Hogwart was amazing. I met great people.
After time I'm still excited about beeing in Hogwart. Teachers and students are amazing. Favorite lessons: ☆ Charms ☆
Pet: tabby cat (Sophia)
Favorite HP book: "Prisoner of Azkaban"
Favorite colour: navy blue
tv series: GoT, Doctor who, Orange is the new black
Favorite food: chocolate
Favorite animal: cat <333
and I'm gay
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