Esteban Escobar


  • Joined May 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 306 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Colombia


I got sorted into Griffyndor, the hat made that decision because it actually considered my personal opinion thorwards which house I should join. Even though I am a PROUD Slytherin. Being perfectly honest my favorite class is spells. I really like using the wand and producing tons of great spells. The class I like the least not because of content but because of the teacher is potions. I'm a "pure blood" both of my parents are familiar with the wizarding world specially my dad, my mom has always been more into muggle stuff but she understands the wizarding worl. I personally don't think that the blood status matters in the wizarding world. If you are a wizard or a witch it doesn't matter the relationship that your parents have with the wizarding world, you are bringing a new generation of wizards and witches. If i was in the U.K. when you-know-who rase into power, my biggest strength would be my desire to defend my family and friends. My biggest fear would be fear itself. I would be afraid of growing fear to fight he who must not be named. After I finish school, i would love to be a history of magic teacher at Hogwarts or a teacher of protection against the dark arts, i also find very interesting teaching charms or teaching muggle studies but whatever i choose to teach it definitely has to be at Hogwarts. What I like the most about magic is the good and positive things you can do with it, I would definitely use it for good will and for the greater good of the wizarding world. I don't have pets though i would love to have an owl so that I can have a much better communication with the wizarding world. I considered my family quite normal, however there is a huge difference between they and me. I am really into the wizarding world and even though my parents are wizards and actually have helped me buying stuff at Hogsmade i have a much greater relation, connection and interest in the wizarding world.
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