Winston Crowley


I always imagined Winston the Wise, not Winston the Brave. The Sorting Hat had other ideas. ~W.R.C.

  • Joined June 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 35 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Being the heir to one of the most esteemed wizard families in England had it's perks, though Winston never acknowledged them. From a young age, something separated those in similar situations from himself; Winston was humble, never relying on family name and studying hard to master as much magic as possible. It was all but guaranteed that his acceptance letter would arrive, however when it did, Winston knew it was not due to his family name, but due to his hard work. His feeling of accomplishment far outweighed the pride and snobbery of other rich wizard children, and it is that trait that was carried by him throughout his stay at Hogwarts.
For Roleplays outside of Hogwarts:
After finishing schooling, Winston enjoyed a five year career in professional quidditch, first as a reserve and then as starting chaser for the Chudley Cannons, as well as appearing for the English national team, and finally a brief one year stint for the Finchburg Finches overseas. Following his retirement, he was offered a job with the Ministry investigating the misuse of the Dark Arts. Traveling throughout England and gaining experience with the Dark Arts and those who would abuse them. Eventually, he would be elevated to Auror, focusing on not only investigating dark wizards, but bringing them to the light of the Ministry. Serving tenures both with the Ministry and later with MACUSA, he became known as one of the best in his field, though his methods often were less than by the book.
Full Name: Winston Romulus Crowley
Height: 6'0" as a student, 6'4" as an Auror.
Hair: Brown (One blonde streak parted to the side)
Interests: Study of Magic as a whole, Quidditch, Ice Hockey
3rd Year
Parents: Jacques Lucian Crowley and Hariett Cromwell Crowley
No Siblings
Status: not quite sure
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