Everleigh Virgo


  • Joined August 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


HI! I’m Everleigh VIrgo! Before you ask, yes, I am a Virgo! And yes, I know my name is weird.

So, I was born in Kauai, Hawaii, and lived there for about 9 years. I went to a magical school for my nine years living there called "Ke KiloKilo E Hoomakaukau Ai Kula Kēia" meaning Magical Preparatory School. It is a grade school for magical students.

After those nine years, I moved to London because my father got a job Co-Managing Ollivanders. At London, I started becoming a volunteer at the Magical Creatures Zoo, and then I got my letter that accepted me into Hogwarts.

Name: Everleigh Virgo
Gender: F
Age: 12
Zodiac: Virgo
Human grade: 6
Hogwarts year: 1
Siblings: 5 Girls, 2 Boys
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Pets: My Bowtruckle named Leafy, and my Pygmy Puff named Ginny

Hair: Dark brown; Curly
Skin: Olive colored; Naturally tanned
Nose: Perky; Small; Cute
Height: 4’ 8’’
Lower body: Small hips, long and slender legs

Personality: Kind, Caring, Quirky, Chill (most of the time), Determined, Loyal, Dorky
Likes: Nature, Calm things, Alone time, Friends, Fall days, Christmas, Bowtruckles, Pygmy Puffs, Fall season, Blanket forts, Musical Theatre, Broadway
Dislikes: Spiders, Hot days, Snippy People, Fake Friends
Hobbies: Cheerleading, Reading, Writing.

House: Hufflepuff
Illvermorny House: Thunderbird
Wand: 11 Inch Maple Type With Hippogriff Talon Core
Patronus: Jack Russel Terrier
Blood purity: Pureblood

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