Kenna Lewis


Hey! I'm open to most things so let's talk? I promise I don't bite (unless you're into that...) 18+ mun

  • Joined October 2017
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 25 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Being born into a family of mixed housing results--my mother in Hufflepuff, my sister in Gryffindor, and my father in Slytherin, I completed the square by being placed into Ravenclaw. Though my father always hoped for a Slytherin successor, my family knew when I was old enough to talk that I would be brought up in the eagle's nest. I was born to full blooded wizards on both sides and while I don't like to talk about that privilege all that often, it is that, a privilege. When I finally leave school, I'm hoping to use my abilities in herbalism and divinity to become a healer of some sorts, going back to our more ancient roots. I brought with me to Hogwarts, a lovely ragdoll cat named Juniper. He can be a grouch, but he is very loyal when the situation calls for it. My Gryffindor sister is two and a half years older than me, and she constantly likes to point that out whenever she's around her friends, but in private,the two of us get on very well, even if we don't see each other all that often. Growing up she was the favorite, but she's sympathetic to my plight as second best and tries to lend a hand whenever she can. My mother is the epiphany of a Hufflepuff. She's generous and always knows the right thing to say, but not always there at times. She's tried to keep up with my father and I during our debates but she doesn't always follow, but that doesn't matter; she's sweet and I love her. Now people say I get my looks from my mom, but I most definitely get everything else from my father. He is intelligent and clever, but isn't the most tactful. His tact unfortunately is the one I inherited. He can most certainly be a pain in the ass, but I am as well and he's a good man and he's treated us well my entire life. Which is more than can be said for a lot of other parents.


Profile :
Full name: Kenna Josephina Lewis
Nicknames: Nana, Kenni, John (only by her sister)
Age: Depends on the RP tbh, her birthday is June 17th
Gender: Female
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: She doesn't know. In her own word, she'll try anything once
Occupation: Student, but hopes in the future to become a healer and find cures for vampirism and lycathropy
Personality: Depends on if she knows you. If she does, she's witty and sarcastic, but to her chagrin, she has a motherly side, which is a bit frustrating because that means that people tell her to have children when she in fact hates children. If she doesn't know you, she's quiet and standoffish unless she has business with you, even then she's cold.
Birthplace: Cardigan, Wales
Blood Status: Pure blood
Wand: 10 3/4 Hawthorn, unicorn core, slightly springy flexibility
Pet: Radoll cat named Juniper
Boggart: She doesn't know
Nationality: Welsh
Family: Owen Gregory Lewis (father), Bryn Delilah Lewis (mother), and Gwen Abigail Lewis (older sister)


Height: 5'3"
Skin colour: Palest in her family of very pale people
Hair colour: Dark Brown
Hair style: Goes to her mid back, wavy, either in a pony tail or a braid, rarely down
Eye colour: Hazel, and in certain late afternoon lights, they look gold.
Scars: A small one near her lip. First year of school she fell of a broom and her face got all scratched up, now you could not pay her to fly on a broom again

She can be awful convincing if she wants to be
Cares for her friends and family

Bottles up what she's feeling until she explodes
Is surprisingly very emotional, which doesn't work well for her
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