Blakely Marie Johnson


Hello! I'm friendly :)

  • Joined December 2017
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 134 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Blakely is a Muggle-born and the first in her family to have magic. Her parents were reluctant to let her go to Hogwarts at first; however, her accidental magic proved too much and they decided to let her go to learn to control her magic. Her accidents were mainly people being thrown against walls when she was agitated.
Blakely finds History of Magic, Astronomy, and Herbology interesting and would consider a career in teaching. She has difficulty in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions but being a Ravenclaw still wants to know more.
Blakely has three younger Muggle siblings and they go to a traditional Muggle public school.
She moved to England with her family when she was seven years old and has come to love the countryside. She has a fish, two dogs, and two cats. Blakely is a cat person but loves any animal, mainly the cuddly ones.
Her favorite belonging is her giant teddy bear and she loves to write stories, especially about people with powers. Her interest in powers stemmed from the Marvel/ABC show Agents of Shield and the Inhuman storyline.
If she could have any power, she would teleport.
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