INTJ- A LITTLE BIT PSYCHO- MALFOY LOVER- A confident, successful, and just perfect girl, who will destroy your life. You have to love me, honey!
- Joined April 2018
- Member of Slytherin
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
Czech Republic
(Younger Student) When I received my Hogwarts letter, I wasn't very shocked, because I already waited for an owl from Hogwarts. I'm from a pureblood family and I have an older brother, so I already knew how it goes there. But I was also pretty excited and I couldn't wait for my first school day in Hogwarts. I hoped there will be some friendly and of course also funny people, that will be like me and with whom I could make some good relationships. I'm also quite evil, annoying, selfish and perfectionist- I was a little bit afraid, if their will understand be. But showed, how my mother said, that in Slytherin there is a perfect place for me. I'm completely satisfied here with my current life."please, excuse my quite bad English- middle Europe isn't famous for good knowledge about foreign languages"
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